Once upon a time, there lived a boy called Jack.
Jack watched the evening news and it told him that planet Earth was dying.
Jack realized there was nothing he could personally do to stop the environmental catastrophe, so he felt slightly depressed and cheered himself up by eating a large steak1 and drinking a can of beer2.
He felt a lot better now.
A few decades later, the ecosystem collapsed and Jack died.
The End.
1 It took over 1,000 gallons of water to produce Jack's steak. Livestock-based food production caused about one-fifth of the global greenhouse gas emissions that destroyed planet Earth. Beef required 28 times more land, six times more fertilizer and 11 times more water compared to those other food sources.
2Alcohol was the most dangerous social drug humanity knew. It was sold to Jack by his government, who had socially-normalized the consumption of this hard-drug because it kept Jack unconscious of what his government were doing to him and his planet.
"Beef required 28 times more land, six times more fertilizer and 11 times more water compared to those other food sources."
I'm just trying to understand. So you're a vegetarian? About beer, you are right on the money! ;)
Which other food sources?
That's what I'm trying to figure out!!
@lenskong @dexterdumb
Apologies. It appears that a lot of text was missing from this poem's footnotes. It should have read, "Beef required 28 times more land, six times more fertilizer and 11 times more water compared to food sources such as pork, chicken, dairy or eggs. Beef also required as much as 160 times more resources to produce than on a calorie-to-calorie basis than potatoes, wheat or rice."
Here is the source
Personally, I eat Vegan (the diet, not the people). But I was a Carnist for many years before, and am in recovery.
Lol there you are! Thanks for the clarification ;)
Wow! Great and amazing post sir.
Very interesting and awesome.
Nice poetry work and I appreciate your work.
Nice content
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Thank you, @stardivine
Pretty awesome poetry.
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interesting post you shared with us all today you really got some creative skills
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