I once heard a presenter on one of the renowned radio stations here in Ghana announcing that a sick person had been healed by a series of melodious song that was sang by a reviving religious group. Though one may argue that there are more evidence that shows that singing songs to oneself affords balance and inner peace.
Let me say to my readers today that please do have ample time to sing and play. You might have read some stories in may different great books in which people including royals were healed through good music. Good music speaks to me and can sometime takes me to a very high levels in that I sometimes will forget I am in a very small world. Have you had such an experience before?
And then also some people rather go to perhaps the extreme by saying music creates more emotions than thoughts.For now,we may care less about that.I have always built my world around music and sometimes l am made to believe it takes most of my time as l would do that at the exclusion of other things.I really love it,music.Good music I mean.
We have heard and talked about Good Music over time and again,what is it? What kind of music do you listen to?Let's enrich our lives with sound soul music,the unique one.The song below explains these words I share,enjoy it later.
Song Title : Hallelujah
Artiste : Alexandra Burke
"Music can change the world 'coz it can change people" Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!!! Thank you for sharing this.
And thanks for stopping here too
Alexandra Burke is the most popular artist. Dear @mcsamm thank you so much for sharing this interesting story. Keep it up sir. Your blog is best as always. Best wishes to you sir.
Thanks too..she sings so perfect..good to see you @siamul000
Hallelujah is a nice song. I've heard that sometimes. This inetrsesting sir @mcsamm. Keep writing on your blog sir. Wish you good luck
Many thanks too
Good music is the food to the soul
Thats nust right bro
Music is magic, you might never know what it does to you, heal you, mend broken hearts, empower you to do more.
It really does speak where words fail.
Alexandra Burke's Hallelujah, one of my favorites and a great song too.
Aww thanks too for such a great taste..you guys rock on steemit
Music has its own voice and soul. Its interpretation to inspire is what matters most.
For this reason i really have passion for music. Thanks for the music inspiration.
Its so good