The photo above is low image picture so steemian friends only can see some dot in this picture. The dot above are fishermen boats. They are catching fish using net. All of you can zoom it but you could not see clearly they stand and row to pull their net together because my camera phone limitation.
All of the picture I took from the beach, objects not to far away. it's only about 250 or 350 metres from my smartphone camera. The weather very clear and ocean so calm, in this condition weather fishermen can see a covey of fish without using fish finder tool.
not all of fishermen boat's have fish finder tool in my place so they really need weather condition like in my photo to see a covey of fish.
I try to zoom the picture above but the result still not satisfied for me. It 2x zoom result from my camera phone. According to my friend, they got good result to day. My friend call me directly using his phone cellular
and he will try to find another covey fish until the sun go down to the ocean. My friend is a leader in that boat. He has a responsibility to make his crewmen have good salary. Their salary depend to their catch result. It really hard struggle for my friend and his crewmen. Thanks for visiting my blog and success to all of you steemians.
Regards from @mey
@mey location?