Blood On The Moon Cover
My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween 2016 and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.
The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie
Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)
To read from the beginning: Here
Then change the number in the address bar from 1 to 2 ( and so on for the next episodes.
“You have brought charges against Vladimir but it is not your place to bring the sentence, it is mine. You have also laid charges that he should answer for his father’s crimes. That will not happen. His father paid for his own crimes and he paid for them by my own hand.” Red shook Selene as Anton had shaken Darius earlier.
She shook the other female to stop her from snapping at her face.
Then she continued. “As Sentinel, I shall take into consideration the charges you’ve just brought against Vladimir and if they are genuine, I’ll deal his justice myself. If you had killed him before tonight and then made it known why you had killed him, then perhaps you would have been exonerated, but as it is, now you’ve declared his crimes to these witnesses, any retribution will be looked on as a separate crime and I’ll deal out the justice for that too. Are you clear on that?” For emphasis, Red shook Selene again and the violence of the shaking took her feet off the ground.
Selene hung limp and it seemed that she was cowed by the Sentinel’s ruling.
Red dropped her and Selene leaped down at Vladimir, just as Red had known she would.
Vladimir put up a strong fight, he fought like the very devil and his father would have been proud of him this night.
Darius scrambled to the front of the terrace to watch the battle and the Wolves below the lawn area pressed forward in the effort to see.
Selene had the invested power of the amulet and though Vladimir had ingested a few vials of adrenalin before things had kicked off that evening, the effects were usually immediate and had worn off to a great extent by this time.
Selene ducked in low and sliced at his abdomen.
Vladimir screamed as her claws sliced through skin and flesh and he thrust his own claws out to catch her across the face.
Her skin opened in three stripes just beneath her eye and the contrast of red on grey was clear even in the moonlight.
Again and again she ducked in low and Vladimir seemed to be healing surprisingly well, better than Selene was, Red noticed.
His wounds were closing as they fought, Selene’s were still raw and open.
Red realised that Vladimir must have access to the healing properties that Pituitary glands bestowed. It wouldn’t help him though; the fight was only going one way.
Selene had greater reserves of energy and he had only caught her that once across the face, whereas he was bleeding from numerous wounds.
Whether or not his injuries were closing rapidly, there were more wounds inflicted on him as Selene dodged and ducked like a dancer.
She was elegant and lithe as she moved, he was powerful but ineffective.
His swings hit nothing but air and with each swing taken, he grew wearier.
She crouched low, her feet spread wide, and she swung her body like a pendulum between her knees.
Red thought that she looked like a massive insect. Her legs were bent at right-angles and her body was weaving back and forth.
Each time she swung to the opposite side, she also took a swing at his abdomen. The majority of her slices were successful.
The pituitary glands he had taken were no longer coping with the injuries inflicted on his lower body, and he collapsed at her feet with his guts visible in the lattice-work of skin.
Red was fascinated by the skill that it would have taken to slice so much flesh and yet leave enough so that the guts were still inside rather than outside the body. Red realised then that Selene had not been fighting; she had been practicing her craft work and had made a basket-weave of Vladimir’s stomach.
Selene stood over Vladimir’s still breathing form and she lifted her head and howled.
The Wolves before her also gave voice to their howls and though they were not in Wolf form, Red could see glinting eyes as they too turned preternaturally yellow. The amulet had taken blood and its power was rising.
Selene bent forward and punched Vladimir’s chest harder than any human could punch.
The impact splintered his ribs and drove through the chest to the cavity beyond.
Selene ripped out his still beating heart and squeezed it until it collapsed under her grip. Gore ran down her arm and she held her prize high for all to see.
Red was astounded at the display and she realised that her own ritual of executing the most heinous criminals had stemmed from this place, from the amulet that she had not known of.
She had never been taught how to execute those that she judged but she used the same ritual anyway.
She realised then, if at no other time, that she was inextricably linked to the lore and myths of the prophecy and her life was woven far deeper than she had ever imagined it could be.
So Red has let Selene know the law of the Sentinel. I think she was careful to use the word retribution and not revenge so that a punishment would be less, thus giving her an out after the investigation of Vladimirs crimes. Now we wait to see if Justice for Selene's sisters is complete or if there will be more, and with the rising power of the Amulet, how is that going to effect Jessica, Red can already feel some of it's effects.
Looking forward to see how that pans out, and where Entwhistle is going to end up,(like on the end of Jessica's claws maybe), and to see if there is going to be further revelations about Anton. You really do keep it very interesting for your readers.
Excellent knowledge of the written, it is clear that you are really passionate about reading. Good comment
Oh yes, I love to read, thank you.
today's chapter turned out to be exciting.
I'm most interested in how these events will ultimately affect Jessica. The chapters pass for me as "waves". One chapter is the preparation for some interesting events (which is filled with interesting dialogues), and the other is active events, such as today. I like that there is such a balance. It keeps me in suspense :)
Thank you
I try not to miss any of your publications, but I read all the stories all the time. I save the text to my notebook and read on the road (I travel very often) and your works save my time.
Each chapter for me is definitely important. If you skip at least one chapter, you will not understand what will happen next. I am amazed by people who write neobostostannye comments and pretend that I understand what is written.
Your works are good because they have a strong storyline, I can not skip the chapter and read the next one, otherwise I will not understand the plot.
Thank you, I support you always when I have free time
Thank you for the vote of confidence in my work :)
I agree, my stories are often complex and reading them again, you may find things that you've missed.
I write stories that I would like to read and because no one has written them, I find I have to do the job myself :)
The better it goes, if in indonesia it is the story of the enclosed grandmother who needs virgin girl blood to increase her magic powers. The more success always for, we always wait for the rest
There are stories similar to that, from Europe and beyond. I often think that there must be something in the stories if so many different cultures have the same thing...
I really agree with you @
It's an excellent and amazing fiction of your mind. The actions of the story were too horrible to describe. I am curious after reading this story. I really appreciate your efforts for writing this.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to continue my reading.
Thank you :)
very interesting story, good job, keep it
postingan yang bagus
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya ya Saya sudah vote anda kawan jangan lupa mampir di postingan saya ya @dedikurniawan
writing story is good habit
that fiction is good
carry on
best wish to you
Really amazing story and also really imaginative, i think you are an awesome novelist. Thanks for sharing and keep doing the great work.
Have a great day and stay blessed.
Thank you.
Although, again, I think it's a shame that you can comment, but not upvote my work.
If you enjoy someone's work enough to post a comment, how much more effort is it to throw in an upvote?
I am really agree with you, there is a reason why i haven't gave an upvote and that is i am waiting for my voting power to reach 100%.
Have a great day and stay blessed.
i miss you steemit friends my account follow me @abdulmanna
You haven't even had the courtesy of upvoting my work, yet you think it's ok to spam your account all over mine?
Delete that other comment please. Then mute this account so you're never tempted to reply to anything of mine again.
nice novel a beautiful story i really like this story.
thank you
Beautiful? The violence doesn't make any impact?
upvote ya
Wow! This is beautiful... I'm hooked.
Yes, there's certainly something beautiful in the way the viscera hangs dripping from trees...
I accidentally read today a chapter from your novel. I wanted to know what became the prerequisites for these events. I admire your talent!
It's replete with much action and drama. I hope one day this astonishing novel will be filmed to more sensationalize this amazing series.
Man, THIS is entertainment!
What a superd chapter, Michelle. Congratulations!
The story become so intresting that i ask myself: what will happen next?
We all expect that last episode to know how the story finish. But, until then, i am enjoying the action and read carefuly to understand very well how things proceed.
All sentences are wisely chosen so you cach us in this amazing fiction wolf storyes. I surely read all the storyes to the end because i really like how you manage to out your work and thoughts in words, sentences, story, book..
I wish you all the best and hope to continue your quality posts through steemit.
i miss you steemit friends my account follow me @abdulmanna