Blood On The Moon Cover
My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween 2016 and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.
The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie
Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)
To read from the beginning: Here
Then change the number in the address bar from 1 to 2 ( and so on for the next episodes.
Red jumped over the fence next door and the next and next until she was far enough away that she could stroll up the street, in full view of the neighbours, passers-by and police.
When the police asked for witnesses, apparently no-one had seen anything except for the grumpy, interfering bully of a neighbour wandering around the car that belonged to the nice young lady.
Apparently, the young lady’s friend had taken a photograph of him damaging her car and when he realised that he had been caught on film, it was enough to set him off on an episode, perhaps he was a latent epileptic.
His wife protested that she had seen the 'nice young lady' frog-marching him up the path before she called the police but they could tell that if the lady had been there, confronting her neighbour, she wouldn’t have been coming from the direction she did, in full view of twenty or more witnesses.
The psychological assessor confirmed that the neighbour's mind had indeed left the building and though one of the officers frowned at his turn of phrase, the others smiled at his gallows humour.
Red smiled too because she knew the psychological assessor from before. As Wolf disguised as Hume, he’d done well in his chosen field.
He would make absolutely certain that Jack Denison was sectioned for a long while and his accounts of face-transforming women would be further proof of his insanity.
The case for committing him to the local nut-house was furthered when an officer stated, within her hearing if not the neighbours’, that he had had to visit the couple because he was making a nuisance of himself in the same manner as he had with Red.
“That’s two hours of my life I’ll not get back,” the officer said. “I went in, they never offered me a drink or a seat and they shouted at me constantly for two hours. I put in the report that I believed there was a case of mental health issues then. I think it will help this investigation.”
There was also a discussion about the possibility of taking the wife along too because she was obviously in the thrall of his delirium if she was so eager to accuse a woman of an attack where there was no possibility of such attack having happened.
Moreover, the person accused was the one whose car had been wrecked – whilst she wasn’t there.
Mrs Dennison was apoplectic at the idea that she was fabricating her version of events.
She was livid that her husband was being sedated – for his own safety of course – and carted away in an ambulance in front of the neighbours no less!
Her whining accent, which was far from local and therefore a strain to some ears, rose in pitch as she protested that what she had seen was that woman assaulting her husband on their back garden.
When she began to describe the alterations in the attacker’s face, she realised that she sounded like a potential candidate for the padded cell next door to her husband’s.
For the first time in perhaps her adult life, she closed her mouth and stopped speaking.
She accepted a ride from one of the police officers to the hospital to check on her husband’s state.
The most senior officer had a flash of inspiration when he thought that perhaps they had both ingested something like an hallucinatory substance.
Perhaps they should conduct a search to make sure that nothing of the sort was in the house.
Red was a little worried at that suggestion in case he had notes of her movements.
Anton pulled her away from the scene and whispered to her that it may be better that they did search the house and they did find notes to that effect because then, they would see that he was a possible danger to society and they’d lock him up.
They waited for the rest of the guests to arrive and while they waited, they discussed just how well things had turned out and how many coincidences had occurred in one short space of time.
Red wasn’t convinced that everything had happened by coincidence but she was happy at the results and they shared a bottle of wine and waited for the meeting to begin.
For me, this continuation was a surprise. An interesting chapter, which I read in one breath. With each part it becomes even more interesting to know what will happen next.
Thank you, we look forward to tomorrow to learn more :)
Thank you. I'm pleased you're still finding the story fascinating.
I've been away for a few days and couldn't comment on your posts, but now I'm back at my computer, made a big cup of coffee and will dive into reading the next chapter.Hi How are you doing?
Hey! I'm good thank you.
There's another story in the making... I hope you enjoy that too.
Had to google that one. Sounded much more fun than it actually is :|
Haha! Yes, it's not quite what it suggests, is it?
I imagined a squad of a dozen soldies frog-jumping their way through the streets when I first read it.
Oddly specific, I know, but that's the image that popped to mind when I read it :P
Another great story and just enjoyed to read it..Hello hope you are fine.
Sup, dropping back to say Hello !
Thank you very much for posting so beautiful a post to us
Amazing story.Well writing.
Upvoted and resteemed
great post michelle
Just fabulous! another wonderful reading for me...
Much obliged for sharing it
You writing pattern is magnificent.
Bring on more of this masterpiece.You are a unique writer, Blood on the moon i think it had been hit by Halloween, i try out to read as your mention-able link, just taking the challenge as new
Nic post
in the near future I will finish reading the previous chapters, but right now I want to say that it's delicious and most important, it's like watching a very interesting series :)
thank you, I will later let you know what I think about this chapter
It's really very interesting story. The characters of the story are very well established. The story is inspiring me to read more and more about this.
Keep writing and inspiring us.
It fascinates me that you have put another one more ... Fascinating every time it becomes more interesting. Congratulations.
Oh my God, these things are exactly why i am so hooked to your stories. :D
A great read, as always, thank you!
This is very well written thank you for sharing with us.
i really love horro story, even i make it my self a short story, wanna check it, thank you
This is getting a little bit strange. Darius has someone on the police force we know that. One of the police wants to search the house for "Drugs", red is concerned about notes on her. Darius knows that Paul is a traitor and was supposed to be reporting on Red, and now Anton is telling her it does not matter? Red needs to go with her instincts, with her paranoia, with what made her what she is. Anton may be a long long time friend, but Darius could have something to hold over him, and be using him. God I love all these real or imagined twist and turns in stories.