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If you think you may know the people involved in this little escapade, trust me, you don’t… ok? For legal reasons, I’ve made it all up. It's pure coincidence if they resemble any persons - living or dead. None of it ever happened… these are not the droids you’re looking for…
The previous story Here was Part TRUE, part FICTION
The guy actually WAS allowed into Canada for the reasons I mentioned - he was with a party, they were English and everything was a lot more relaxed back then.
The Stilton/Stetson part was partly true - but as some of you noticed and pointed out, food products weren't allowed.
The guy waiting for his Stetson was disappointed and the conversation probably went something like this:
Tut: "Sorry, they wouldn't allow me to bring cheese back for you through customs."
Stetson guy: "Cheese? I said Stetson, not Stilton, you daft twat!"
The other thing that some picked up on was the fact that all Tut's workmates told him to buy Euros. That was totally true, they did - ALL of them. Whether it was because they share a perverse sense of humour or that word got around or a mixture of the two doesn't matter. The Heading Team were a close-knit group and picked on each other mercilessly.
The pranks they pulled would have been more than enough to start a fight under other circumstances, but they gave as good as they got and while it was one's turn to be the victim one day, the next, he'd be the instigator.
Because it's Valentine's day, I'm going to share this story with you.
Trev and I have been an item since I was 16 – I think you all know that by now so that fact is not part of the Truth or Fiction quandary.
Trev was an apprentice and therefore had a block of three months at college before he went back to ‘Day Release’ – one day off work in which to go to college every week.
While he was on this three-month block, at college every day, he caught the eye of a girl doing a hairdressing course and she sent him a couple of notes and asked a friend of his to ask him out.
I was young, self-conscious and gawky – according to most of my schoolmates, ugly skinny and worthless – I know better than to listen to that kind of talk now, but back then…
So I was frightened that I would lose my boyfriend to an unknown quantity based on a couple of notes and a request to ‘go out’. Yeah, I know… how fucking stupid was I?
When he told me about the notes and everything, I got upset, defensive and stupid – exactly the right thing to do if you actually want to lose your boyfriend because he’s likely to think, ‘I’m not going out with this nutcase!’
He chose a great moment to tell me she’d sent a note – we were in his car, I was driving (he was teaching me how to drive) and it was a thick fog.
I may have been being unreasonable (I WAS being unreasonable) and again, I got defensive and jealous. I stopped the car on a narrow road, on a bend and got out.
“Go with her then, if that’s what you want!” I yelled at him.
Trev got in the driver’s seat and moved the car. I may have had a mild panic that he was driving off to leave me in the middle of nowhere in freezing fog…
Anyway. I got over it and calmed down.
A few weeks later, talking to one of my friends, we decided it would be amusing to play a trick on him for Valentine’s day… har har…
I bought a valentine’s card, my friend wrote on it and we posted it to his home address – from a town close by, not the village where I lived.
A few days after Valentine’s day, I asked if he’d had any other cards. I had to be patient, I didn’t want him to suspect it was me that sent it. I also had to make sure he’d actually received it, so allowing for the post, I waited a couple of days.
“What about the other card you got?” I asked.
Complete denial. He shook his head, frowned as though he didn’t know what I was talking about. “No other cards,” he said.
“The one that came by post?” I said.
Trev doesn’t usually react, but he did that day. He was a little shocked that I knew about it.
“How do you know about it?” he said.
“Your mum told me you’d got one,” I lied.
“She doesn’t know about it, I got the post that day,” he said.
Then I grinned. “It was me,” I said.
The look of relief on his face made me laugh.
“You thought it was that girl from college, didn’t you?” I said.
“Yeah!” he said. “I burned it so you’d never find it but I was worried because she knew my address and there’d be a war if she ever turned up at home while you were there.”
Just a little prank, but it served its purpose. Trev didn’t need to do anything. I was sure that he’d never cheat on me, but the purpose it served was for my own peace of mind. I knew that I could trust him and I also knew I needed to stop being so jealous because if anything, it’s jealousy that will drive someone away.
Truth? Fiction?
A mixture?
Let me know in the comments.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that this is true...
It reminds me of dating back before I met my wife. I hated that constant feeling like there was never any security...
Whoever you loved at that time could be with someone else in 3 months....
I once saw a message on an ex girlfriends phone- over her shoulders. Some guy had been texting her and being friendly. Me- being jealous and insecure, started asking her a million questions about this person and why they were texting..
A few hours later- we went to a keg party and she drank WAY too much. After she fell asleep, I checked her phone. They had planned to meet up while I was at work later that week.
I can tell you that she endured more than a hangover that next morning...
I bet the story is real, happened and would happen again if you feel that kind of jealousy. Women like tricks as yours, and men like step into that trap :) I feel sorry for Trev :)
Are those pictures of you above? A young fiery ginger back in the day haha
More explosive than fiery.
Haha awesome!
I think the story is fact ... but perhaps with a few 'twists' in the mix?
I think truth...
Its a nice story. I think its a truth not a fiction.
Its again steeming nice and beautiful story on current environment of our society. Its interesting and Your stuff describe truthful and reality basis.
All the best and keep it upHey
upvote and fellows
Yes. This is true.
And it is marvelous and made me smile. :)
It should be true according to the occasion! It was a very interesting story of your young day. I am happy you both have trust and sound relationship that is growing with every passing day.
The story made me smile. I remember teenage years and female jealousy ( I was a teenager once upon a time) So I think it is true!
Truth I think, you are a ginger after all, and Trev is so bloody calm all the time lol
This is the actual story today :) I congratulate you on Valentine's Day :)
Trev did not do well when he stopped you in the middle of a "nowhere" fog. Although I can agree with you - jealousy is not the best feeling.
I think that this story is a mixture, but I can not imagine what exactly. Therefore, I am referring to the fact that this story is true. But with some of the mixture.
Also Michelle, I'm participating in writing the stories that you organized. I ask you to read my story. I'm interested to know your opinion and find out your mistakes. Thank you
Every time you ignor me what is reson plez
This is the first time you've ever commented on any of my blogs. And yes, I did check.
excellent story
great post..
Awesome story dear. I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you.cheers
Beautiful story :) Awww i love it
Love didt promise a smooth ride....#smile#
People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I’ve learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one’s master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person’s view requires to be faked…The man who lies to the world, is the world’s slave from then on…There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all.....
Or it's fiction, made for the entertainment of others - like this series.
Yes ofcourse sometime it is needed for requisition....
Truth I think, you are a ginger after all, and Trev is so bloody calm all the time lol