New Story - again written exclusively on Steemit - WiP - Bouncer Part 4

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I started a new story to share on Steemit. It's not my usual type of tale, but I decided it has legs so I'm going to let it run.

Meet Zack, my newest character. I hope you like him.

The first part was written a few weeks ago and since then, I've been mulling it over in my head where the story needs to go.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Pictures from Google free to use search

Please note: This is the FIRST DRAFT, no editing, written straight onto paper.

The brothers continued working on their recruitment and canvassing for clients.

Rush-hour came and went and at last, they decided it was time to finish work. Taylor had the meeting to go to and Zack had the first of his last three shifts to prep for.

“I’ll call at the club later, let you know how the meeting with The Russians went,” Taylor said.

Zack nodded, locked up the office, tried the door out of habit and studied his younger brother. “You be careful. It looks like Viktor’s taken a shine to you. Mind your manners, be respectful and listen. Don’t bow to his every demand though. We need his business, sure, but we don’t need to pay him in order to get it. We have our own costs and overheads and if we’re going to have the cream of the crop working for us, we’re going to have to up the game and up their wages. That means…”

Taylor put his hand up to stop his brother’s speech. “Zack,” he said. “I know all this. I’ve had a brilliant teacher – you. Now you’ve got to believe in me. Trust me that I’ve learned the lessons you’ve been teaching me since I could walk.”

“If I remember, I taught you that too.” Zack grinned. “Yeah. I’m worrying too much. I know you can do it, but if I didn’t remind you and you forgot, it’d be as much my fault as yours.”

“True. See you later,” Taylor said, turning to go to his car. “Oh, and I didn’t realise it was you that taught me how to walk. Is that true?”

“Yeah, I’m afraid it was. It wasn’t intentional. We were left alone a lot and I wanted to explore. You screamed the place down if I left you, so I made you follow faster,” Zack said. “That’s probably why you have bandy legs.”

He grinned again as Taylor looked down at his legs.

“I don’t have bandy…” he said, raising his head to see Zack silently laughing. “Bastard.”

“Only as much as you are, Brother,” he said and went to his own car.

Both brothers went to their respective homes to shower, change and go straight out again. Zack grabbed something healthy from the fridge and gulped it down cold before dressing. Taylor grabbed a health food bar and ate it as he drove to the meeting at the same restaurant he and Zack ate at the previous night.

Just after midnight, a call came over the radio that Taylor had arrived at the club.

“Send him over to me,” Zack said into his radio.

Thursday nights usually went one of two ways. Either noisy, busy and tremendous fun or noisy, busy and violent.

Zack studied the punters. They all seemed to be drunk and intent on having a great time. Students knew how to party. One guy, a little older than the usual crowd caught Zack’s attention and he studied him.

A bottle of water in his hand, t-shirt stretched tight over bulging biceps and muscled chest. He had a shaved head and furrowed brow. The guy wasn’t dancing, he wasn’t drinking and he wasn’t chatting – he watched with as much concentration as any of Zack’s team. Zack watched him from the corner of his eye, head turned slightly away so the guy wouldn’t become wary of being watched. To anyone, it would seem that the guy wasn’t on anyone’s radar and Zack was watching the dance floor, like most of the other guys in the room.

The club had specific nights. The formula worked insofar as the till receipts but Zack had become bored with the tedium. That pushed him into looking at ways to get out of the mundanity of door work.

Thursdays student nights – cheap booze and club sounds. Fridays were geared more for the young professionals - the newest sounds, chart hits. Saturdays catered for an older clientele as well as the young professionals – the restaurant opened ‘til late, faux-Champagne on ice and the booths upstairs were opened. Those that wanted to act like ’10-bob millionaires’ as his dad called them, were in their element.

Zack prided himself on the fact that he was the youngest head doorman in town, at the biggest and busiest club – at least until ‘The Cobalt’ came online and who knew when that would be finished.

Taylor walked into the room, Zack spotted him but he spotted something else too. He motioned for his brother to stay away for the moment. Taylor nodded and made for the bar, watching his brother’s every move.

Zack spoke into his radio. “Something’s kicking off in the main room. Gimme some room but I may need backup.”

A doorman appeared at one of the fire exits and others emerged from the gloom. No one made a move and they wouldn’t until either they saw something kicking off or Zack signalled them to go in.


Wow amazing new story my friend ..I appreciate to your new part..

Already you create many story .
I think your total story i like and and I read your every story ...

I hope you are great writer one in steemit ..
I think you will be great writer one day..

Thank for providing. Your new part.
I will wait your new part.
Thanks for sharing.

Carry one your story writing.
Best of luck..✌✌✌✌

interesting thanks... follow blog.

Zack seems to be intelligent taylor need to get more classes from him the way zack notices all the moments in the club on that guy is remarkable.. now the story is going towards more suspense

Thank you. Because of this comment, I decided to develop Taylor a little more. See Part 5 :)

really greatful to see you appreciated my comment though i notice everyone here is just commenting for upvote only few read it with heart. I already commented on part 5

I still like how slowly and interestingly you develop a storyline. The appearance of characters and their detailed description, as well as the main trump card - are dialogues that are read easily and interestingly. Of course, the value added to this is that this is the exclusive you write right here.
Thank you

Thank you too! I appreciate the time you take in reading and commenting on my work. Thank you.

interesting story .. let's see what goes down at the club

Good post..Upvote and resteemed

This is a different type of story for you. You have my curiosity piqued.

as I wrote earlier, I still read the previous chapters. But I try not to miss your messages to express my gratitude to you.
But I'm still amazed that most of the comments are written immediately after publication (or in 2-5 minutes). These users do not even read the text but create generalized comments. Why do people?
Although the answer is obvious - get approval.
Thank you:)

Thank you and please let me know what you think when you catch up.

already very soon, I'm on the road, so now I have plenty of time to read everything. I can say now one thing - it's amazing

Just fabulous! another wonderful reading for me. The way you describe character is just amazing. The guy with "bulging biceps and muscled chest" who got attention of Zack will play a wonderful role ahead I guess.

Thank you for the comments.

I notice you never upvote anyone?

Do you realise that you get rewarded for upvoting too? If you upvote me at around the same time as you comment, any upvotes after yours would add to the reward YOU would get when the reward is paid out?

It's a strategy a lot of new people don't realise. I thought I'd let you know so you can benefit.

Basically, your voting power is going to waste and that's a shame.

Truth slap. especially newbies here to take the advantage of comments for which they get the rewards. but they don't upvote. this is not fair.; Thank you for suggestion. Actually I have been on Steemit for 15 days so I don't know much. By the way except your two new posts I upvoted and resteemed your last 6 or 7 posts which I read. You can confirm by your account as well.

You're welcome. I hope you weren't upset by my observation. I didn't write it to upset you :)

Resteeming is different to upvoting. Click on my wallet. There's a dropdown box titled 'Rewards'. Click that and check out 'Curation'. You'll see that I get rewards from upvoting other people's work too. It's another revenue stream.

Have fun, keep learning :) Good Luck!

@mashwanii I just upvoted you for "truth slap". I think we should focus on amazing story which is being shared here rather than taking advantage of anyone's weaknesses.

Wonderful story.
Much obliged for sharing it

waiting for next part.Excellent story

It's not bad at all!

Woww....going into another dimension was not a bad idea afteralll....The story actually looks real...ill follow you up for more.Thanx

That's was an amazing post

Good writing.Keep it up

Very good story, I read it out, but for the end of this story how ya

yes good,mutual sharing

I also make great stories, but no one follow me. Can you help me How do I do it? How do I get readers like you?
oh, I really like your style.

I'm going to make an observation for you.

1 You joined in December 2017 - 2 months ago.

Here's a post of mine from the same stage in my Steemit career Here written 2 months after my arrival at Steemit.

I have a good number of upvotes and a grand sum of $0.42 Steem as reward.

The point is, I didn't arrive at Steemit at the same time as you and therefore, you've not had the time to do the same amount of work.

Read my post from then. It's a good post, well-written, with pictures. It received nothing in reward and the views and comments were... basically zero.

You cannot expect to be at the same place as others that have been here a long time in comparison to you.

You're going about it the right way, by commenting on people's blogs and making posts. It takes time. Be patient.

Thank you Michelle :)

@womby just followed you. I hope I'll enjoy your creative work.

Thank you very much and I also followed you :)
I will not disappoint you and I will do great things For all my followers :)

That's a great way to gain and keep followers. Those that are on your stage of development will grow with you and you'll all improve and support each other. Keep going! Good Luck!

steemit is perfect for writers. nice little piece, poor taylor (correction) and his bandy legs ;)

a very interesting story all the character actors in the story is very instrumental in his acting respectively I like it

A person who drinks water at a nightclub always looks suspicious.
Can't wait to read what will happen next.