Let me take a pause here.

in #writing7 years ago

Some days ago, I posted about my fashion class and I promised to be give update, so I am going to do that now even tho I thought I won't be having the zeal to post here until a few more weeks or days.....

So the past weeks has been really stressful for me, infact everything for me, this minute I feel like punching walls and the next minute I am dancing, singing and doing crazy videos or having a good laugh on instagram, most especially the comment section. So these past few weeks, I have learnt alot;

  • Everybody is unstoppable, the only person stopping ourselves is we ourselves.

  • Everything will pass away, bad situations, the pain they come with, having a bad temperature, loosing an amount of money or an asset, a sudden fever, a bad test or exam, the pain that comes with all of this will eventually pass, we would be happy, we would be fine and then more crosses would come, sometimes lesser than the past ones and sometimes greater but admidst it all never get swayed, give up or for a second, think less of yourself.

  • Wear your self-esteem like it's all pure gold and then a humble and meek heart like the golden robe of self-esteem is just one rag. Still, dont get it twisted.

  • We do not know the value of something until we lose it and then what we finally wants comes but because we are trapped in the past we dont even see it beside us whispering; I have come to give you all that you ever wanted, all that you deserve.

  • It takes just one second of making up your mind to turn your sadness into happiness, to turn your chained hands and feet into free ones.... Just a second of making up your mind and then another second and then another second and then......

Final words and my quote for the week has been;

I am not just going to dream about all I want, I am going to work towards them and achieve them all, I mean ALL OF THEM"

Hence, work is essential... I have heard lotta people say, don't wait for opportunities, create them.

A lot of people have built mansions in their head, in their head, they have a bank where they have stored up billions of dollars.......

You get?.... In their heads!

Be focused, think and Plan!

So today, I tried my hands on paper and my motivation is this;

Today, I sew Paper, tomorrow I will sow my wedding gown; you get? I have to be that good. I must. I will.

Talk about a fashion designer who gives her wedding cloth out to be sown.....

Below are the pictures....
