if people just stopped paying their student loan debts and credit card debt that would be enough
if everyone did what i was doing, it already would have happened :)
if people just stopped paying their student loan debts and credit card debt that would be enough
if everyone did what i was doing, it already would have happened :)
So true. 2007 was my year.
There was a Steemian I almost followed who posted a poem about being a radical with eyes wide open. And then at the end of his post he stated that he was trying to crowd source enough to pay off his $60,000+ student loans that he was ashamed and foolish enough to borrow. I commented that if he really understood fiat money he would know that everyone had already been paid. That only the central bank that issued the funds (backed by thin air) wouldn't get paid and that if he'd paid one single dollar of interest they had actually profited. The banks would simply charge off that bad loan, sell the debt to some fool debt collection agency and that money would disappear from the money supply. All he was protecting by having other people, people who work hard for their money, pay off his fool debt was his credit rating. He was actually serving the monster he claimed to hate. He never replied to my comment. So many talk the talk but won't walk the walk. Good for you!
One of the first rules of warfare is dont feed your enemy, I know the banks won't be feeding me.
If someone's going to try eat me, at the very least I won't be going down smoothly :)
Non repayment, and boycott is the biggest weapon we have and the only way we can use it is by uniting through independant media, which we are :)
How we spend and what we spend our money on is the only votes that actually have power. Checking a box next to the name of a puppet in the voting booth has no effect.
Steemit claims it is just a game, and a game it is. It, however, creates value; elucidation in the information age. When we vote on Steemit, we create value.
Politics is also a game; a game that enforces illusion and slavery.
Fiat money claims to be real, but it is also a game; a game that can either tighten the chains that bind us or break them.
Use your votes wisely and they will count.
This is why I don't have a bank account =p
I saw that comment, and completely agreed with you.
Hard to be a rebel against a system you are demanding support from, and he exemplified that reality.
Good call!