Dang! My blurry-eyed scouting for great posts and illuminated minds has paid off! Glad I found you. Just so you know @reddust resteemed. She is a great gal by the way. As far as I understand occult knowledge and practices went underground, into hiding, during the Middle Ages ( in Europe at least) to avoid the Inquisition, and then later to dodge religious zealots who loved burning witches and the like at the stake.
I was raised under similar close minded circumstances but was able to break out of it later in life and now am actually a practicing Astrologer, which thing amazes me. I also was fortunate to find a spiritual path that in my earlier days I'd have absolutely shunned as a result of early religious conditioning.
Did you know the ancient Persian Magi's were almost to a man, astrologers? Some believe the Three Magi were even led to the Christ Child through the use of astrology. Stars after all were illuminating objects in the Magi's world.
Anyway, appreciate your post. Best regards.