WTF are debates good for?

in #writing5 years ago

Here I am watching the Presidential debate and getting angrier and angrier as each of the candidates ignore the questions that are being asked by the moderators.
Joe Biden hasn’t answered a single question directly that he has been asked. Amy Klobuchar has only talked about what she will do, ignoring the question. Cory Booker is only speaking out of the side of his mouth and is only saying what HE thinks people want to hear. With only 2 exceptions I can see only broken promises and lies the day after they take office. I listen to Eliz Warren and she can’t even string 2 sentences together let alone know the difference between “Cents” and “Percent”, Get a Grip LADY! Not to mention Mayor Buttigieg (or as everyone in LA calls him “Mayor Buttplug”) who wants to bring the Country together but yet can’t get his own city’s water clean. Kamal Harris completely and blatantly LIES about her record as AG in CA. Andrew Yang seems to have the best grip on current affairs but he wants to start a WTO about “Data”, really! And the Kamal Harris Show is still going on where she is LYING through her teeth about her time spent as California’s AG, “I accomplished so much as the AG that California’s Prison System is the envy of the Country” and so on. Still no mention of her REAL record of defying the Federal Courts to reduce the State’s OVERCROWDING problem and her quote from that “Where are we supposed to get our cheap labor to fight fires and do other work?” REALY? Defy a court order and have NOTHING happen? Now she is running for President? Kamal “Let’s lock up the parents” Harris, as President? More like getting a DEM. Donald Drumpf as Prez…
What are the Debates for, anymore, anyway? It seems they are only good for “sound bites” to embarrass whomever they choose to edit out per the owners. In only ONE instance did any amount of TRUTH come forward. This was when, after asking “Liz Warren” about her “Medicare for all” bill and having to listen to why SHE was all for it (note to self: Liz Warren does not support Medicare for all in the Senate) and listening to her humming and hawing and extolling the virtues of “HER” plan they asked Senator Bernnie Sanders about ‘HIS” Medicare of ALL bill. He politely thanked the moderators and then said “It IS my bill, I wrote it and I am the only one up here supporting it in the Senate right NOW” and he was looking at liz warren when he spoke about support. What does that tell you about the candidates? Out of the 12 candidates in the debate, no less than 5 of them LIE through their teeth, all the TIME.
Turning the debates off, now. Listening to the blatant LIES coming from 4 of the candidates to just to exhausting to listen to. Mitch, out


Bread and circuses to keep all the morons happy. Most Americans could care less and that's why we got to pick the tastier end of a shit sandwich back in the 2016 election and 2020 will be worse.

What you seen is why the Dems are so desperate that impeaching Trump is the only way for one of them to be President next year. If that would even work. Hopeless candidates for a hopeless party lined up in a hopelessly moot debate.

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@ephiroll, Thanks for this, most excellent! Biggest problem with the Dems is the career Congress members (Nancy Pelosi being one) being to afraid to do ANYTHING against the pubs. "We are going to reach across the aisle" and molify the other party. Well, their job isn't to mollify anyone. They are supposed to represent THEIR constituents, not the other party.