I woke up feeling the need to stretch myself until each of my limbs came off, or well, almost; In the sunlight it was impossible to enter my room, by the absence of any hole that enabled the passage But, well, cold it did!
I felt a lot of peace in my chest, that restlessness had disappeared, I almost convinced myself that last night had been only a nightmare, but for the consequences of crying, which I observed in my face when I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection.
-Dammit! I can not leave like that- I thought.
I watched my reflection a little more as I washed my face, still unable to believe that there was nothing left of what I felt last night, only marks on my face that reminded me how much I cried until I lost myself in an immense darkness that some call "dream" and I call it a cruel lie. I still do not understand exactly why people are impatiently waiting for this moment, when it is something that I hate the most, I fear the night and I fear that damned lie, because it makes you feel good, it makes you think that everything is fine and even makes you see that everything is as you want it to be and when the best is about to happen PUM! comes the blow of reality, that knocks you and makes you see that nothing is as you want, that everything was a lie and those feelings that kill you appear, that never disappeared. But, today, today they were gone, today it did not hurt, today I did not feel like dying. I thought I was still asleep.
I was surprised by the immense harmony that ran through my chest, I no longer had that fear, that restlessness or wanted to run away. I went to the kitchen and warmed up some coffee and as it increased its temperature I took a glass of water, I felt the cold of it spreading across my chest and reaching my stomach. * Pi, pi, pi * sounded the alarm that warned me that my coffee was at its point, I took the posillo and sat in the window to look at the patio, that by the abundance of trees, only if you looked carefully, you could observe some that other rays of sun that appeared between the tallest trees trying, with all their forces, to give heat to the set of plants of my humid patio.
I took a sip of the coffee, felt the heat go from my throat to my stomach, I sighed and tasted the sweet taste that the bitter coffee left in my mouth. A strong breeze blew and heard an approaching sound, it was as if many sheets of zinc hit hard, and each time it got closer and closer, everything darkened a little and they began to notice the tiny drops that fell on the floor that was now wet, in my window I watched as they fell and slid through the now pawned glass. Coffee had never tasted better than the one I felt today.
I went to the kitchen, I made some toast with more coffee, but this time I accompanied him with milk. I had not had breakfast so well in a long time.
I spent the rest of the day lying down, watching movies and checking my social networks. I had never had as much peace as today.
But, everything was not perfect, now that I write the story of my day, I notice that although everything seemed to be going well, although I did not feel anything, I did not think about anything, I had immense peace, I was alone with my empty mind, without feelings that they will alter my mood and in an empty house, with nobody to share my coffee, my breakfast, the bed, the movies; without anyone with whom to disturb peace by playing music and dancing and singing together. And I understood, no, I was not totally happy.