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RE: Improve your Writing (Proofreading)

in #writing8 years ago

I rememeber after writing my first book, one of the MAIN issues I had was proofreading afterwards, it was more like....ok... ive already done the hard part, now i have to do it all over again.

its especially difficult if youve been writing all day and dont have the energy inside of you

funny enough, there are tons of people who will actually proof read things for free for you... i was lucky enough to have a few friends who are great at spelling so... that was a lucky find haha


Wow that is nice of them, mmm I think I should get a few book worms as my friends.

Theyll come in handy, i guarantee it !

That is always good. They also tend to know a lot, so if you have questions you are likely to get a good explanation and a book on it.