30 things you might not know...

in #writing7 years ago


. Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey has been found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs which after being savored by archaeologists, was declared edible.

3 . The urine of a cat glows under a phosphorescent light.

4 . The world's oldest chewing gum is 9,000 years old.

5 . Slugs have 4 noses.

  1. The British Queen Elizabeth I saw herself as a paragon of virtue in regard to cleanliness. He claimed to bathe once every three months whether he needed it or not.
  1. Owls are the only birds able to see the blue color.

8 . Millions of trees are planted accidentally by squirrels who bury their nuts and do not remember where they hid them.

9 . A giraffe can clean its own ears with the tongue.

10 . The full name of Donald Duck is: Donald Fauntleroy Duck.

11 . Blue toothbrushes are more used than red ones.

12 . A third of all ice cream sold in the world is vanilla.

13 . The fingernails grow about four times longer than the toenails.

14 . The complete name of Barbie is Barbie Millicent Roberts ... besides going through 95 different professions. When a person dies, the ear is the last sense to be lost, the first is usually the sight, followed by taste, smell and touch.

15 . A human head remains conscious 15 or 20 seconds after being decapitated.

17 . More than 2500 left-handed people die each year from using right-handed products.

18 . Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was the first person to put his ashes on a rocket and be 'buried' in space.

19 . We do not all dream of color: Around 12% of people dream only in black and white. The rest dreams in color.

20 . We forget 90% of our dreams: The first 5 minutes after waking, you forget half of your dream, and by spending just 10 minutes 90% of the dream is gone.

21 . Polar bears are left-handed.

22 . The average waiting time until we fall asleep is seven minutes.

23 . Walt Disney was afraid of mice.

24 . Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.

25 .The tongue of a whale weighs the same as an adult elephant

26 . All proper names have at least one letter of the name Carlos

27 . In the life of the hippocampus the man carries the pregnancy.

28 . On average a man can walk the equivalent of three laps to the world throughout his life

29 . The first palm trees grew in the north pole

30 . One person can fill one bath per day with sweat and saliba

Follow me: @Morinjesus

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News - Mu Circuit Season


very interesting article, thanks for sharing!!

No problem, my friend, thanks for reading.

I want to see Palm Trees at the North Pole.

why not try to plant some there? ^^

Just Waiting for the Ice and Snow to Melt. :P
