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RE: Character flaws in fiction

in #writing8 years ago

Thank you for the feedback. I've been reading quite a bit of your commentary and I think you need a purple heart for how much effort you put into curating steemit. I am truly grateful you are willing to fight the good fight with all the crap that has been dished out by bernie...


It can be tough. I think why people that have tried to do it in the past tend to not succeed "may be" (I could be wrong) is that the attacks by Bernie and others wear on them. Their instinctive nature is to lash out and attack back. So when being called names, belittled, etc eventually they call names or belittle back. I get it. It is tough for me to resist at times.

Some of them will get artistic with their art images on their posts in very graphic ways which can even be a form of an attack. I would say I even failed at this to a degree if you look at my initial image. I likely should not have arranged that the way I did. No one has challenged me on it, that is simply my personal hindsight assessment.

I try really hard not to descend to their level. If I can do that then I believe the things they say to me only end up making them look worse. I have transcended my point in life where a bully in a hallway saying something at my expense will make me cower and the herd pat the bully on the back so they don't become the next victim.

I long ago stood face to face with bullies. I simply need to try really hard not to become a bully myself. I am sure that the steemit community will call me out on it if I do. I also know those I speak against will be looking for any fleshy part I might expose through which they can stab me.