There are many interesting stories from life at the boarding school that didn't run out.
The story of intimacy, kinship, punishment, until the unique story makes those who have received education at the pesantren will always miss the moments.
This unique and funny story at the pesantren this time was told by Muhammad Nurul (20) who had experienced how to live in the Zainul Hasan Jenggong Islamic Boarding School, Probolinggo, East Java.
Santri, who is currently studying at the Department of Political Science at Udayana University in Bali, admitted that he decided to enter pesantren education when he was in the first grade of high school.
At that time, because he really wanted to study religion, he chose to go to school while at the same time taking up the education of a pesantren which was under the auspices of the foundation.
When he first entered the pesantren, he found it difficult to adapt, let alone a language problem.
Previously, this young man from Jember used the language of Madura, while learning at the pesantren used a yellow book which was interpreted as Javanese.
The writer does not use Latin letters, but uses the pegon letter, which is the writing of Javanese using Arabic script.
So Arul, Muhammad Nurul's nickname, really did not understand the learning in the early days at the Islamic boarding school.
Well, the unique incident began when Arul and other students had to take lessons after the morning prayer at the pesantren mosque.
Koran's book Ihya 'Ulumuddin which was carried out at dawn was immediately filled by the pesantren's caregivers.
The study was attended by around 700 male students and 500 female santri.
In their tradition, there are no male students who dare to sit right in front of the kiai, surely the front position of the kiai pack is vacated.
And four friends who were both new students, namely Ramli, Adi, Sofianto, and Waras chose the place behind.
They sat on the stairs that were close to the girls' place.
The first ten minutes they were still paying attention and trying to understand what the kiai was reading, even though the five of them actually did not understand what was being said because the kiai used the Javanese language, inggil.
But after 10 minutes, they felt like they were tucked away
They also fall asleep in cross-legged positions like positions when they are still paying attention to the Koran.
Until finally they were shocked by the voice of the call from the kiai who invited all santri to stand up to perform dhuha prayer. Arul explained if indeed after the kiai finished giving the teaching it would be followed by the dhuha prayer together.
Arul and his four friends who were shocked finally fell off the stairs where they were sitting.
Unfortunately, because of too long sleeping in a sitting position, their legs all experienced very tingling sensations so it was difficult to stand up.
Immediately they were immediately laughed at by all female students and some male students who were behind.
We were told to go along with the same board so that the tingling disappeared, after that we were told to pray Dhuha alone, he said.
The incident was not finished after they performed Dhuha prayers because after that they were asked to read Surat Yasin up to 20 times as takziran alias punishment.
The event finally made them too late for school.
Already punished at the pesantren, they also have to receive punishment from school because it's late.
At the pesantren it has been feared, in our school it is also dried in the field, he recalls.
As time goes by they can follow the learning well because there is basic learning to be able to write Pegon and interpret it in their own language.
Hhhhh, bereh that neukarang cerita geh ustad...???
Pat bereh