Hay your stemian friend ever follow the writing contest, things to note there are some things, well it is now in mention how many things.
In addition to the luck factor, there are other things you do not know and now it's time to find out!
Every time there's a writing competition, what's in your mind? Ordinary or there is a sense of passion that does not directly oblige you to participate? Yup, this must depend on who is competing or the amount of prize. Hehehe, it's okay, be honest because we're the same!
It's good, you should try though once there is a writing competition. Since the opportunity does not come twice, you'll never know how much potential you have!
Departing from there, Hipwee Community has a few tricks that you have a great chance to win every time there is a writing competition. No matter who you are, you have a chance to win and have a positive record track in the field of authorship!
1. Use a 'stupid' but guaranteed to work; follow Instagram accounts like Quiz Hunter and such
Hyperactive :)
In modern times like today, there are many ways to achieve success in your field. One way is to hold the prestige to follow accounts such as quiz hunter or the like. Thus, you will be more updated information about the various competitions, one of which is writing competition.
When your other friends are being heavily following controversial gossip accounts or artists, take over this opportunity to be a different person!
2. Know segmentation or target readers from the competition you follow
Before thinking about the flow of writing that you will send, try to carefully consider who your target readers of your writing later. The jury will also give a positive value for you who know exactly who the target or segmentation of your writing.
The trick, you should not be idealistic or selfish by writing something you like only. Be somebody else, but stay on the hallmark of your writing. For example, you who have a quiet character, try to write something with more cheerful without exaggeration. Example: 5 Advantages of Having a Silent Friend; Not Meaning Boring!
3. Follow the rules that apply in as much detail as possible. Do not your origin or writing end in 'trash'
Whoever you are, wherever you come from, the jury will not care because what they see is the result and how you treat your writing. The name of the competition, there must be some rules such as hastag menyastumkan, share to social media or even send personal data through the form available. Well, this rule you need FOLLOW, because at least your writing can enter the database and can be assessed.
Do not take for granted all the rules that exist in a writing competition, because as good as any of your writing will not be appreciated without any compliance in the process. Keep this in mind, yes!
4. Make your writing realistic, unique and NOT RESULTS PLAGIAT!
Make it unique :)
How do I make a unique writing and can make the jury mesmerized? Here, there are examples of titles that you can make a comparison; about which good (?)
- Simple Tips to Make Photo Frames from Used Cartons; Save Time and Budget!
2.4 Simple Ways to Make Photo Frames from Used Cartons
Try your own value, which title if the more communicative and interesting that makes the jury or anyone will be interested to read it. Hayoooo, answer in the title column what's the best comment you think, yes!
Unique articles and no plagiarism elements have a better chance of winning on a mediocre appeal. Jury like already tired of writing that just FOLLOW FLOW and 'good made up' for the competition included. Just be honest with your writing, because every writer is unique to his character!
In fact, you can write down real events in your life to include the competition, you know! Stay a little tweaking so not too 'relaxed', sorted deh!
5. Submit your posts no later than 2 or 3 days before the competition ends! Remember, the jury also has an assessment in terms of discipline
Do not be lazy!
Submitting the writing the day before the competition ends will only make your work less appreciated. Because do not get me wrong, the jurors are not that stupid to not see your discipline and your persistence in following the competition. After all, the competition period is usually quite long, which is about 1 month is not it? So, what else is your reason for late sending any posts?
Sssst, posts sent long before the end of the competition period will receive an appeal from the jury, even if the sender is not the main winner. Not bad also if you get a gift of entertainment plus a positive judgment from the jury?
this is all I can say more and less I apologize yes to kwan stemian its all.
bye : @muhajir169