I look in the mirror, there she is, a girl with black hair, light skin, brown eyes looking into my eyes, her hair is all disheveled and her eyes are swollen, for a moment my mind is lost, Then I realize that I am I... Emma Coronti.. Is it a sin that I don't like to comb my hair? Why when I wake up my lips swell up in this way? I think Angelina Jolie's lips are very small compared to mine in the mornings, I grab a brush and start to untie the knots of my hair, I insist, I hate to comb my hair, I've never really cared so much about fixing myself or not, I'm happy with a big shirt, some jeans and a couple of Converse, Now I realize that I have a pimple on my forehead, A GOOD BEGINNING FOR THE DAY OF MY BIRTHDAY, I can not believe that i have 18 years old, I wash my face and i wash my teeth, when I finish I keep looking at myself in the mirror, even though I fixed my hair, it looks tousled, I think I should pick it up, I enter my room, and a song is playing, Imagine of John Lennon, I really like the lyric, says like that:
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
John Lennon – Imagine
I continue naked walking through my room, from one place to another, the clock shows 8:30 a.m, My mom has not been up yet, did she forget about my birthday? That would be so sad but good, most likely, she have been working late on your computer, and is resting, I look out the window, and I see people go by, my room is on the third floor of the house, It's one of the biggest houses in my community, but... Who is he? There is a boy in the house at the front, he is with his family and they are unloading boxes of a truck, My heart begins to beat fast, and I don't understand it… apparently I will have new neighbors, suddenly he look to my house, and his gaze goes straight to my window Demons! he seeing me what a shame, Rays! I'm naked, I close the curtain quickly, my cheeks blush, and now I wonder if he has seen me naked, can not be! Suddenly my mother enters of a slam
Happy birthday to you ... Happy birthday to ... you?
MOM! Im naked! - I say covering my small breasts with my hands - you are invading my privacy!
But the room did not have the bolt lying down, I thought it could happen, but don't worry I'm leaving - said My mother a little puzzled leaving the cake on the table where I have my alarm clock..
I keep thinking about that boy, I don't understand why, his blue eyes do not come out of my head, his pale skin and his jet black hair... I don't understand why my heart beats with such intensity...
My name is Steven Salvatore, I'm never used to living in a place long time, I'm always traveling from one place to another, I wonder if one day stay me, in one place… I enter my room and pick up the missing boxes, the truck is about to arrive, A long trip awaits me, but hey, I suppose that all along the way I will only listen to music so as not to get impatient ... I leave of my room with the boxes, I take them one upon another, and they even cover my face, I leave them at the door of the house and I ask my father:
Is it a quiet place at least?
Yes Steven, it's a good community, people is very quiet and most of the time they only go out to walk their pets... call your sister and your mother, there the truck comes
We are all in the car, in front is moving truck, my hearing aids are playing a song by the famous Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, sometimes my father makes jokes in bad taste, saying that macho who respects himself, shaves his beard with a shotgun, which does not cause me any laughter, everyone knows that Kurt Cobain committed suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun in the head, It has been 12 hours since we left our home, although all our homes are temporary, that's why I've never dedicated myself to having friends, it's around 8:28 a.m. We've reached our new home, I'm helping to lower the boxes of the truck and suddenly I feel like someone is watching me, I try to ignore it but I feel restless so I look around, I look at the house in front, it is very large, three stories, I look at the windows of the first floor, the second floor and they are closed, I look up in the three floor and there is an open window, Suddenly my eyes meet the eyes of a pretty girl, she is watching me. my heart beats with such intensity and I don’t understand, I have never felt this, that girl quickly closes the curtain of her window and disappears.
Emma and Steven felt the same when they saw each other for the first time and did not understand, Emma never dared to approach her neighbor and Steven was used to not making friends and not to approach anyone, because he knew that his stay never lasted long , One day Emma went to town, had gone out to buy some books, bought the whole saga of the Lord of the rings, did not want her mother to look for her in the car, she wanted to leave on her own and take a taxi, she was walking Looking at the ground, thinking about the boy who lived in front of his house and what I felt in his heart, suddenly a boy passed by her side, she did not look at him but her heart began to throb again very quickly, she felt like a current of energy, she did not understand it and stopped ... she looked back, and among so many people, she was surprised to see Steven, staring at her fixedly
What Emma did not know was that Steven had not seen her either, she happened to be walking around the city to get to know her surroundings better, she suddenly felt like a shock and her heart started to beat very fast, she stopped, she turned around and he was surprised to see Emma in front of him staring at him, what they both did not know, was that their hearts were united in a single heartbeat, they were soulmates who had finally met.
I met Steven in the center of the city, he came up to me and asked my name, it's been 3 years since then, I'll never regret it, we result having many things in common, we exchanged telephone numbers, we talked every day, it was not long when we started dating, we went to the movies countless times, and especially in a movie, something happened that I will never explain, that day we saw Star Wars, when he finished the movie he kissed me. I could swear I heard our hearts beating at the same time, I felt me one with him, and he one with me, I know because he told me, a short time later he told me he had to go to another country, I cried a lot, I did not want him to leave, my mother got along well with her family. Guess who went with his family to Italy? Steven and I now live together, Steven and I are engaged, Steven and I are getting married, Steven and I share.. a single heartbeat.