Yes, I was hoping Google would recognise the blog name, but wasn't completely certain I had it to myself though. To be on first page multiple times was good. But again, one would have to know the title of the blog. Most searches wouldn't go down that path.
I hadn't thought of the fact that Google could have given me the third one, and it could have been different if someone else did the search. Still, it confirms they think I'm weird, or into weird, lol. Not far from the truth really.
Yes, go for it. Let me know what you get.
I get the same results as you do, in both Chrome and IE. So yup! If anyone enters that keyword string, they find your Steemit posts. I also tried it by removing "notes from", and then your posts did not come up. So I think you own that phrase, @naquoya!
Okay, so isn't just me then. That would have been deflating! So now that Google recognises the name, seems like a good time to build the brand. And all I can think of to do that is to write, write, and write some more. I think I can manage that. Thanks for helping me out with some research.
My pleasure! And I concur. Write, write, write! Plus, you're good at it. That makes all the difference.