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RE: "All It Takes Is Emotion"

in #writing7 years ago

As I mentioned, I used to be camera-shy, mainly because when I was a kid, people forced me to smile a way they wanted

Wow, this is literally the exact same experience I had as a child. To the point where i got told constantly i never smiled. Except if i didn't it was because they all drilled it into me i wasn't doing it correctly. You can't win as a shy introverted child around adults who are extroverted, and have no real connection to the way children problem.

I have no button on it now, although I don't jump in front of the camera, I do need to be coaxed, but I'll do it. And well done on your photos, both formal ones and the the ones you took and shared here. They look fine to me.

As for reaching 200 posts - yay well done. I'll need to check what number I'm up to. You're probably out in front of me again, creating a great wave for me to catch and surf. Because that's how you roll.

Anyway, made it here eventually. My apologies again. Don't ever hesitate to mention a post to me in a comment if I haven't seen it. I know that's probably not your style, but my number one supporter is permitted special treatment :)


See? Never question why we get along so well. I feel like not all shy introverted children suffer the same fate, but I'm willing to wager it's a high percentage.

As for the compliments, thank you kindly my good man. What can I say? The emotions are strong. As for the posts, you're way ahead of me, mate! A full months worth of daily posts, in fact! It seems this time, I'm the one catching your wave. I wouldn't have it any other way ;)

If a post goes unnoticed a day before its payout, I'll mention it for your notice. Other than that, missing it is fine :)