We can't fall in love with pieces of a person, we can only love them, unconditionally, as a whole. That doesn't mean that we are going to like everything about someone, after all, we don't even like everything about ourselves. In fact, if we look deeply enough, what we find is that some of the very things we love about them are the things we love about ourselves and the things we don't like are the things we don't like about ourselves. Our partner is our mirror, we see ourselves in them, and they will reveal all of our hidden secrets and unconscious wounds that we carry. This is why self love is so important because if we don't truly love and accept ourselves for who we are, we will begin to find fault with our partner and end up criticizing them as an extension and reflection of ourselves. To be truly gentle, kind and forgiving with our partner, we must first be able to love ourselves without judgement and shame. So many feel worthless and reject who they are and then can't understand why they feel unlovable or struggle to be emotionally available and vulnerable with their partner. When you learn to accept your partner and look for the good in them, you are practicing love, for them and you. The best relationship is when both people bring out the best in each other, that's love... that's everything.
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<3 This is a heart, or an ice cream, you choose.Hello @nidatariq, upv0t3
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