I woke up early again so I guess that was enough sleep,
because sometimes my poetic thoughts run too deep!
I still want to always be a great advocate of the beauty,
for believing in the power of love has become my duty!
With my God as my witness I am surely the living proof,
of the incredibly awesome power and burden of truth!
Does anyone else out there know that of which I speak?
I can’t let my kindness be sadly mistaken for being weak!
Sometimes someone close can become like an adversary,
by being constantly negative and endlessly too contrary!
Well my own integrity will never be called into question,
my decisions and choices will not be bones of contention!
So I will carry on forward in this my own righteous fashion,
never letting haters and fearmongers diminish my passion!
I will be the one who wants to bring happiness to the sad,
just by having myself a whole lot more good days than bad!
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