in #writing7 years ago


A bad relationship is toxic.. I want to say that love is overrated but I'm limited by my parent's love, if I can describe it in one word, it would be Beautiful!.. Without any blemish, they had their bad days but they lived through it, so because of that I'm not going to say, love is overrated, but rather our belief and hopes and expectations on our supposed partner is indeed overrated..

This is Christmas season, I should be reviewing a Christmas movie but on the panel we are told to "write our story", so I want to write my story, and the current story in my life is my relationship.. It lasted for 3 months, crazy right!. Let me take it from the top. When it comes to relationship, I'm one of those extremely emotional ones, I hate to be vulnerable because of my heart, because when I love, I love real hard and it's always painful, which is why I was single for 2 years before this. And then he came along, of course I was scared and uninterested, but then my loved ones advised that I give him a chance. My best friend said even if it doesn't work out, it's wise to give myself a chance of love. And so I gave in and open up my heart without reservations in a relationship built on deceit.. We wanted different things, while I wanted commitment, friendship and true love, he wanted a swell time... A swell time? What the hell is a swell time? That was his language not mine.. And that was the end.. I'm not heartbroken but I'm hurt, that I gave the wrong person a chance. I'm hurt that I didn't follow my heart.. I'm hurt because I believed things would be better at the expense of my happiness. I'm hurt because I'm human. But I'm not heartbroken because somewhere in my mind I got prepared when I saw the red flags, so when it exploded within this short period, I was already prepared. But I'm not going to blame myself nor will I think I'm not good enough nor will I think no man will ever love me.. Never.. I love myself too much and I don't need any validation from any man, I love myself too much. For the love I have for myself, I'm focusing on my happiness for my happiness is in my hands not on any one.. So if you are in this situation, you've ever had a bad relationship, never blame or look down on yourself. I just have one word for you.. BE HAPPY, only you can do that, you owe it to yourself.. I owe it to myself... I will give it to my self without any reservations.. Love is a leap of faith, if it works for you, congratulations!! If it doesn't, keep being you.

Thanks for reading my boring story..
Stay tuned to a Christmas movie tonight.
Don't forget to Upvote and Comment.. I will be reading and replying all.
It's the one and only @nmalove👑


nice post

What is nice about it..

Eyaah, this is touchy. Falling in love is like diving inside a swimming pool without determining the dept. Go into a relationship with two expectations:

  1. It will either end in breakup or
  2. It will end in marriage.

Yea.. You are right..

True but most people choose to always only believe it will end up in marriage. We all hope for the best.

Yea.. I pray we all get the best..

LMAO! Too bad he is not your kind but come to think if it why does good girls end up with bad boys and bad girls with Good boys?
Meanwhile for the fact you know that you are vulnerable shows you are strong. Don't ever close your heart to Love. You will virtually find the right person.

I don't know why it is like that but i'm not giving up on love.. Thank you dear

You are welcome.

Nice though

Daalu Nma

Oo imela

You have expressed yourself and poured out your heart. Thats the beginning of totally getting over it.
I also like the fact that you were able to recognise red flags.
Please do not blame yourself or feel bad, be glad it didnt last for too long. And of course you are bold, strong and lovable so don't give up on love. Seriously don't give up on love....@nmalove i just felt i wanted to read your next post...i didnt even know i was going to read this. I like your post, you know why?

Omg!! I'm actually moved to tears by your comment. Thank you so much.

Really nice expression here... I like the writing skills...

Key points i got from this.
Love yourself Always.
Your happiness isn't tied to anyone.
Most of all, heal when you are hurt.
Insightful piece.

Thanks alot.. I'm glad you learnt from it..