I can certainly relate to this. I personally struggle with writing quickly, as I despise editing my stories after writing them. I try to get the story as perfect as possible before I post it, and because of this, I deliberate and nail-bite over every single line, trying to get it perfect the first time.
This is mostly due to the fact that past experience has taught me that if it's not good, there is a decent chance that some jerk will come by and snatch it out of my hands, then proceed to nitpick every flaw in an attempt to crush my budding dreams.
To a degree, this is a good thing to practice; as my experience in the medium grows, so, too, does my ability to write good stories the first time around.
Unfortunately, however, I am not that skilled yet. So instead of pumping out tons of work and getting content pushed out on a regular basis, I end up getting much fewer works pumped out that are well-written, but so few and far between that George R.R. Tolkein seems more productive.
It also doesn't help that I don't typically sit down and write out an outline or anything when I write, I go seat-of-the-pants, first-try one-shot every time, partially due to past experience with annoying bullies, as well as past experience in typing cringy flash-fiction on the creepypasta wiki's submission page in a sad attempt to get noticed.
That being said, I am very excited to see your next post and how you overcame that obnoxious inner critic, because I think I need to try and do away with mine.
I had a few experiences with not only the inner, but the outer critics, and part of the trick is learning to tell them to shove it. I hope I'll be able to help you overcome yours. Thanks for the comment!