I get offended. I'm offended by your poor use of grammar. Even more offended by my poor understanding of grammer. Oh, and my spelling is absolute dogshit, but you better not be offended, or I'll be offended some more.
You can see how my feelings aren't subject to facts or reason, I hope.
As such, I do my level best to not censor my feed. See, everyone thinks it is somehow important that you were bothered by that persons attempt to silence you, or by your (perceived) attempt to outrage them, but both miss the most important point to me.
It's very hard to listen to things which 'offend' me, so absolutely VITAL that I put as little as possible in the way.
Facebook was terrible not just because of 'their' censorship efforts, but because of my own.
so where do you stand on censorship?
This is more complicated than a simple reply, but put simply, I stand against it.
To go into a bit more detail, I would say that it depends on context a bit.
To go into even more detail, this question triggered a post of my own. Thanks, @skiponline