"So I ask you not to be hasty, not to act on impulse or need for emotional satisfaction, but think a while. Consider your options and the consequences of those options...."
The blank faces of those around him told him all he needed to know.
"OK, fuck it....fuck it. Fuck you, fuck them, just fuck it all"
"Jeez Tobias, quick talking to the fucking stiffs, you're creeping me out"
The two men were hauled up in a make shift morgue, some fifty bodies left in the barn to rot. Laid out in neat rows, waiting for someone to claim their rotting flesh. The stench was continually overpowering their senses, as though trapped in an endless recirculating current.
"Why da hell we need to be in here anyways. I'm about dun emptying my stomach, an still my body wants to find more sick to show me how bad it wants to leave this place."
"You know why......you had to go look, You had to stay and watch, YOU" His voice raised, "YOU, are the fffF_U_C_K_I_N_G REASON, WE NEED TO BE IN HERE!!" Spittle flew from his mouth as the rage began to vent from deep within.
"Cum'on man, you know I didn't mean to mess things up, it just happened, you know?"
Tobias moved towards the other man and grabbed him by the throat, his fist raised. Pushing him against the wall, their noses just short of touching.
"Go on,.....say it. Hm, I fucking dare you, fucking say it...." His voice tailed off, as he stared at his friends winced up face.
"You're the reason we're in this stinking, diseased barn." He whispered, and began walking away.
The other man slid down the wall until he was sat on the floor, he cradled his legs and buried his head into his knees. "But how long do we have to stay?" His words were muffled by his position and his tone bordered on a quiver of tears.
Calmly, as though nothing had happened. Tobias replied, "Until they stop searching, until the dogs can't pick up our scent."
As darkness fell, the two men looked to make their escape. "Look, you see those trees? That's where we'll head to, stay low, run fast, ready?
"Fuck man, I've been ready to leave this stinky shit hole fo hours. Maaan, I'm as good as a fat man in a cake shop."
Tobias looked at his friend in puzzlement, "A fucking what? Are you ready to run to those fucking trees, or do I have to punch the shit out of you and leave you with the fucking stiffs?"
"I'm ready man, I'm ready!"
The two men ran for the trees.
"Are you sure you saw someone?"
"I know what a pair of eyes staring at me looks like, I have to put up with yours every single day"
"OK, calm down..."
"Calm down? There's some pervert out there, and I have to rely on your incompetence to find him"
"That's a bit harsh. We were out there, with the dogs, for over an hour, and nothing. I just want to make sure you're sure you actually saw someone"
"Well I'm sure, really sure. There was someone staring at me through the gaps in the stable wall."
"What were you doing, in the stable I mean?" The two of them turned to see Mike in the doorway. "You see, I can't see any reason for you to be in the stable."
"Mike, I was just...you know...making sure the horses had enough feed."
"But the horses and their feed are at the other end of the stables from the wall you said the eyes were staring at you from. No way you could have seen them from that distance, not without your glasses." Mike was tapping her glasses on to his cheek as he spoke.
"I don't need you two interrogating me about what I saw, or from where I saw it" Her voice was defensive and slightly raised.
"And another thing, why did you call him a pervert? What exactly were you doing in there?"
Stanly began to giggle, "Yeah Sarah, what exactly were you doing in there?"