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RE: Something inside, understanding myself better

in #writing7 years ago

Thank you for sharing this personal nugget of beautiful writing with us @lindahas. :c)

In truth do believe that I quite know what you mean. I certainly know how it feels to be underemployed - underempowered - underachieving.

One thing that I'd love to see in a future post from yourself, is an outline of the kinds of things that you believe that you would like to do if empowered. :c) If its too broad a subject then maybe it can take the form of several posts. ^_^

Thanks again for being "real"!


Haha, thank you for the read!
I am mostly focusing on my stories to write on lately, I only sometimes write about my thoughts :D
The things I want to do is help children, mostly. I have written of it before. I see adults as people capable of taking care of themselves, but children still need help. There are too many of kids out there who do not get enough love and food. There are too many kids who are insecure who are not training their brain accordingly to their strengths and weaknesses. We have a problem in my country with too many buildings not being in a great condition. Plus, I recently read about an orphanage for babies in Latvia. The adults there did not give the kids even an hour of attention and that is supposed to slow down a child's development. I just want to bring the awareness to people.

I also do not just want to create charities, I want to go places and help myself, not by a middle man that takes a cut out of donations.
I dunno man, I just want to make the world a better place and I am already proud of the things I am starting to do as they demand me to be a better person.
Hope that helps explain it? Or are you more into the technical plan of how I want to do things? :) And the business part is that I want to go into real-estate(to rent) to build my wealth and help kids, not only in my own country, but where it is necessary. @schoolforsdg4 is something I am working with currently and it is a project that I agree with deeply, even though I do not agree with the schooling system we have where I am at, primary school education is something I see as very necessary.

We each have our passions in life but sometimes we hae a difficult time putting such into words. :c)

As such we often find it harder to take the next step forwards - our desires trapped within the abstract corridors of our minds.

Thank you for sharing - the technical plan should easier flow from the above. ^_^

Yes, good idea! I'd like to read those too.

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