
Thank you, @paulag. We have an arbitration team within Writers' Block that consists of an attorney, a law student, and an emotionworks expert. This went into arbitration there, but got so distorted when they tried to have me "brought up on charges" that the attorney threatened to quit altogether if it was allowed to continue down that path. So as admins of the group, GMuxx and I pulled rank and shut the whole process down before it got ridiculous. There is no mediating with these people. They spoil for a fight and love drama. We have all the proof we need that the gif used in this post does not "belong" to the person claiming it. These individuals are gone from the Discord group. They clearly love to hijack posts that have nothing to do with them and draw all kinds of attention to themselves. But mediation? That ship has sailed. They'll run out of venom eventually.

Yes, the insanity that prompted my leaving was my mistaken belief that Rhonda here also would be expected to behave in a courteous and professional manner as we all committed to doing. Egg on my face lol.