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How often do you get scare /or bored or showing lack of interest in wall of texts, maybe in text books or in text messages ? That feeling of "where do i start from" is a condition known to be Reading Anxienty. Particularly, it occurs in different range of people from young to old, this phobia to read is a misunderstood phenomenon as the individual suffering from this condition thinks it is destructive towards achieving their aims or goals in their careers.
Sadly, this conditions cannot be diagnosed, but a very sensitive person could discern it in an individual affected with this condition.
It is similar to its counterparts e.g fear of large body of water (Aquaphobia), fear of enclosure (Claustrophobia), fear of height (Acrophobia) etc. Scientists had found out that it is related to the counter reaction in emotion as regards reading.
A subject matter that could easily be corrected in kids, in adults; it could be corrected depending on the willingness of the affected person.
There are millions of affected people all around the world, this had prompt researches on/about real life human activities that will not involve reading .
So when you see a block wall of texts and the feeling to not to read through kicks in, that is Reading Anxiety.

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▪The possible causes;
In kids, lack of interest or too many distractions and major culprit is Playtime and Food.
In adults, there are countless factors responsible for an anxiety to read, e.g. depression, poor health, financially handicap, huge family expectations and issues etc.
A peaceful and calm mind can only be at rest and active in all they do.
I am not a medical practitioner or expert, but i am sure a peaceful mind, less worrying mind and less or zero doubt on/about the things to come will go a long way in freeing from this weird condition.
A psychologist offcourse might be able to help if the affected or victim is willing to be helped.
Happy reading steemians, thank you as usual.
Its your @peman again.
I actually didn't know there are people who fear to read. Writings are everywhere. From books to our phones, I wouldn't imagine someone scared to read. That sounds like a serious problem that needs urgent attention because through reading we get new information and knowledge.
There are people who have reading anxiety, seeing long texts creeps them out.
believe bro, there are lots of them around the world, some arent scared, but get bored of reading
This is educative well done.
thanks alot
Yes i know of someone that doesn't like to read at all, it baffles me
Wow, that's a new one. But sure why not, right? We have so much written text everywhere phone, tags, ebooks...it can be overwhelming. That's why I prefer a city/town that has more nature and less buildings, it helps to shut it all off as much as possible. Reset.
yea! a peaceful environment huh...