Man, this was such an interesting read! While I don’t have a lot of experience with labels or TV shows, except a couple minor ones, I totally hear ya!
The only big TV show I was on was a nationally broadcasted talent show in Slovakia in 2001. It was fun, and only a 2 day production but when I realized I was going to sing and play on playback (playing a keyboard not plugged into electricity felt the most ridiculous), I just couldn’t take it seriously. I came 2nd in the end and won a mountain bike :))) but that was it... I just felt that it was such a fake world.
Later on I read “Confessions of a Record Producer” by Moses Avalon which had really opened my eyes about the music business and the sorts of abuse that goes on in it and somehow, subconsciously or otherwise, since that point I never even tried to get signed to a label or a publisher. I know, I didn’t base my decision on my own experience but on a book but something always told me it wasn’t my path.
And so years later, after taking a few tips from Tony Robins (speaking of NLP ;) ), I built my vision of success around values that matter to me. And that is inner peace and balance, health, sustainability, love, musical creativity and personal growth and development/sharing knowledge with others. I know I don’t want to tour all the time so I had to come up with an alternative...
And based on that I now see myself living in and owning with my partner a creative retreat center. It’s a creatively built eco building made of sustainable materials, it has a recording studio and a space for workshops/performances, where we organize musical workshops, yoga and meditation, and perhaps one day even ceremonies with sacred plants...
Now, this is as far as I am with my vision today - I own a small home recording studio, write and perform music, I give songwriting workshops and consultations, and I practice yoga and meditation. The partner and the house have yet to come and I trust that at least the man is out there... we can build the house together :) So darling if you’re reading this, know that I am here with open arms and ❤️ - be welcome to join me on this journey if you’re feeling called to do so! (this is better than a Tinder profile, huh ;)
And now with the support of @dsound and steemit, I’m beginning to see how I can build a regular income supporting my music, in combo with giving workshops and performing live (the last one has yet to pay me)...
The reason I’m writing such a lengthy reply is because I feel that building a vision around the values that matter to you is what will keep you going when the going gets tough. The true calling comes from your deepest desire to follow your bliss, and not chasing fame and money (not that that’s what you were doing...). That wears off very quickly.
So I’m glad you’re in a happy place now, Ed! Love your music and now your name is not only remembered but even pronounced correctly - at least by me ;)
So let’s keep this crypto music community going and growing so we all can follow our bliss and become the best versions of ourselves - as artists and people.
Love and music to all
Oh my my, Petra, every time you impress me a little bit more with your knowledge and your vision, we need more people like you on Steemit, and I can tell you that you will keep on inspiring those around you.
It's very interesting that you mention "Visualization" of your dreams, manifesting into reality by calling upon it, and this is exactly how I discovered @dsound and steemit, I was actually looking for a way to achieve that goal of being an independent musician while being a part of the world and most importantly do good.
"The reason I’m writing such a lengthy reply is because I feel that building a vision around the values that matter to you is what will keep you going when the going gets tough"
Please keep on writing lengthy comments because everytime you do so, you are sharing a little bit of yourself and that's what we all want on this platform.
The time for openness and truthfulness is now, we are all tired of the old EPK method that didn't lead us anywhere. People want to drink, eat and watch raw!
very well said, Love and Music to All my friend :)
Oh Ed, thank you for saying that!
You've got a point - that this space is so much more open for lengthy posts. I would even say that the pace of Steemit is slower because the monetary rewards make people think twice what they say/write so it actually incentivizes us (ar at least most of us) to put out the best we got. And that takes time...
Speaking of inspiration, when you mentioned visualization, you inspired me to do the next episode of My Artistic Journey on that very topic - The importance of having a vision for your art. And since it sounds like you have an experience with the amazing world of quantum weirdness (am I right?), I'd like to ask if you'd be willing to do an interview about your story and the experience with manifesting your dreams? I think many artists could find it inspiring and learn a lot if they don't know about these tools yet.
We can do it via FB live like last time with Pedro (and now I know how to do it, so no more tech issues :) and if you're in SA, we're even in the same time zone! It's every Tuesday at 2pm. So you could choose when it suits you...
Wow I am flattered! Are you kidding me? Yes of course, we can chat on discord ,but I am ok with Tuesday and you tell me that we are on the same time zone? That 's not a coincidence!
Talking about quantum weirdness, we can talk about "The Mandela Effect" (have your heard of it?) too if you are interested, and I could give my take on it, as I have literally spent a lot of time Nelson Mandela and his family prior to his departure, as I was working with his grand son Ndaba.
If you don't know what I am talking about just forget about the last sentence :)
Anyway yes! I am all for a good chat and I was so impressed by your interviewer skills during the FB live I hope
Oh I wanna hear about all of those things! :) I’ll hit u up on discord and we can figure out the details there! Thanks for being willing to jump on the show! We’ll have loads of fun! How do I find you on discord? I’m terrible with that app yet...