It is imperative that you determine who your enemy really is. Preparation for spiritual warfare requires the application of spiritual principles revealed in the Word of God.
Satan does not fight alone. Let’s quickly examine the divisions of Satan’s army mentioned in the verse from Ephesians 6 above:
Spirits or demons—for the word of God says, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood.”
Principalities from the Greek word arche: chief rulers of the highest rank.
Powers—from the Greek work exousia authorities. These authorities operate the chief rulers, executing their will.
Rulers of the darkness of this world—world rulers of darkness; natural men possessed with demonic powers. This world (cosmos) binds them to the natural and refers to governments or individuals in high authority on this planet who are demon-led or -directed.
Spiritual wickedness in high places—wicked spirits in the heavens; fallen angels.
Never underestimate the capabilities of your adversary or the deceptiveness he will use in his attempt to defeat you.