The best writers are readers. If you read any good writers bio, you will find a long list of writers they read. Get in the habit of reading. Read at least 30 minutes a day. For years I would wake up with a book and a cup of coffee and get through a few pages before work. I have read several hundred books using this routine.
Another important aspect of good writing is to write about what you’re interested in, so read what you’re interested in. I’m interested in science and human behavior so I enjoy writers like Malcolm Gladwell. I never considered myself a writer but because of Steemit I’m re-reading my favorite books to deconstruct their style rather than their content to become a better writer. Gladwell is a bestselling author because he wraps complicated subject matter in good storytelling as mention in @cryptoctopus post.
Finally, when you write every day you’re going to get better as was also mentioned. Here’s my current routine. The night before I make a post, I choose a subject and handwrite an outline of the points I want to include. This allows my subconscious mind to work on it overnight. The next morning, the first thing I do is start writing. (With the all-important cup of coffee of course!) It’s easy to get distracted so this gets the ball rolling in the right direction. I find that even though I don’t use all of the points I listed the night before, my writing is clearer and more focused.
I’ll stop here because good writing is also knowing what to leave out.
I hope this helps those of you nervous about writing or have occasional writers block.
There was a time when one of the biggest differences between those who had money and those who didn't was the ability to read.