
Thank you very much for your donation! :)

I'm going to study "Vård och Omsorg med inriktning psykiatri" as it's called in Sweden. Which translates to "health and social care and psychiatry" so I can work as a treatment assistant.

Sounds great in Swedish, and a very worthwhile topic to study, probably be lots of really sound and interesting people on the course. I love studying, and the whole HE environment, one of the best things in the world!

I would upvote you a bit more, but my VP's a little on low side ATM, hence the donation. Just a kick-starter, because it's educational.

I truly appreciate your generosity, and the generosity from this entire platform. I have already gotten so much kind and warm comments, a donation from you, a vote from a bid bot and so forth. It's truly amazing to see how much Steemit as a platform and this community can achieve together.

I have been here for such a long time so I've been part of, and witnessed many great things on Steemit during my time here, but it still continues to amaze me how much love, compassion and generosity we have here. It's truly amazing and incredible.

My goal is to work as a treatment assistant and focus on teenagers who suffers from mental illness. Mostly due to my own experience and due to the growing passion I have for it. I want to heal the world for a little bit, and I know I'll be able to have an impact and make a difference by helping one person at the time.

If I can help one single person to live their life to the fullest, each step I've had to take towards that has all been worth it. I cannot change the whole world or help everyone, but I can help someone, and that's what I'm striving for.

Thank you once again!

Very noble goals, and I'm sure you'll help many many people over the years!

And yes, there is a lot of good stuff going on on steemit!