Can you believe it? We're already into the 8th month of the year. The last couple of years have flown by with the lock down and subsequent slow re-opening. It's hard to keep track of the days, months and years. If you don't set goals, you might find yourself with little to show at the end of it.
I run four websites - 2 main ones, 1 for random thoughts and facts but mainly to pass some 'link juice' and the last one is a coding playground of sorts. There are two main types of goals - goals related to actions and goals related to results. I prefer to set goals related to results because:
"Work done with anxiety about results is far inferior to work done without such anxiety, in the calm of self-surrender."
So here are the actions that I intend to complete by the end of August:
- Increase the number of posts on site 1 from 35 to 50
- Increase the number of posts on site 2 from 101 to 111
- Work on a javascript site that will allow users to predict their height. Meant for people who are still growing, of course.
So that's about 25 posts in 26 days or on average a post a day. Each post is about 1000 words so I better be on my A game because any slacking and i'd not meet my goals. Hopefully, I'll be able to achieve them.