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RE: Write Club, Fight Club, All Right Club!

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Here's a question for you: why do you think YOU are immune to any response after you and your troll friends hijack a post intended to promote an initiative by Jordan Lesich, who never did anything to any of you? How do you figure that you can come here in the comments, behave as deplorably as you've behaved, yet be exempt from suffering any pushback? I have never understood that kind of twisted logic. You don't get to go around bullying people, Inna, talking trash and starting trouble, without a reasonable expectation that you will end up face-first in your own pile of stink. Have you noticed that no one from the Writers' Block has trolled any of your posts? (Or anyone else's?) Have you noticed how there has been no campaign to blacklist your little server, or taint the community against any of you? Have you noticed that we didn't caution any of our members against affiliating with Isle of Write, or toss down an "either/or" mandate? I suppose you were too busy planning your attack on me to pay attention to such things. I just don't understand how any of you think it's okay to come after my jugular, but act soooo defensive and pitiful when you're met with a bit of resistance. So here's some advice. You want to play server goddesses on the Isle of Write? Be our guests. We at the Block will never challenge your right to do so, or to write as much second-person narrative as you wish. Have at it. But if you don't want to leave with a face full of mud from all the slinging, don't bring a fight to us. Not to me, or any other member of the block. We will not be antagonistic toward any of you. But neither will we tolerate this kind of nonsense aimed at hurting any of us.


Oh please. That wrapping yourself in someone else’s victimization doesn’t play with us anymore. You aren’t protecting Jordan with your replies here; if you gave a crap about Jordan you wouldn’t have expressly used this post promoting his club to rub Peg’s nose in your refusal to stop using her art. You need to stop with all this projection about bullying and wanting to rule servers. I’ve never seen anyone so drunk on such little power. I’m sorry to break it to you but no one left Writers’ Block out of envy of your position. There was no “faction” and no one wanted to be you. We just wanted to write stories and hang out with other writers in a place that allowed differences of opinion and style and didn’t pride itself on being rude in feedback.

Uhhmmm...okay. Now whose yardstick is getting a workout? LOL But I really could not care two whits less what you personally think of me, Jess. I saw how you treated Bex, how you bullied her into leaving the group for a week until we could make some sense of what happened. I saw your rude feedback to her, how you cut her off at the knees in public. I also see how you've managed to get Carol so twisted up that she doesn't even know who her friends are any more.

I don't know how to make this any more clear: the gif in this post is not "Peg's art." This is the "Peg's art" that we offered to no longer use:

And here is her giving express consent to not only use it, but create derivatives from it.

Neither of which option we have fought to implement after you guys left. The old version of the logo--the gif--was not mentioned in any of the dialogue we had about use of the images. You guys are acting like buffoons over a monochrome piece of clip art that is indistinguishable from the hundreds of other inkpots and feathers in the public domain. But that's your choice to behave this way. At least it has been done right here in the public eye, so people can see exactly what has transpired.

Even still, another thing is bugging me.

You need to stop with all this projection about bullying and wanting to rule servers. I’ve never seen anyone so drunk on such little power.

Okay, so Muxxy actually owns the Writers' Block server. He is the absolute rule when it comes to what is allowed to go on in that community. Not me. He made a lot of the decisions you didn't like. So why was I the target? Why, out of all the people calling the shots at the Writers' Block, am I the one you choose to fixate on? That alone tells me there's more to this than the simple argument you try to make in your own defense about leaving the way you did. This is personal. It always has been. And I'll give you points for being ruthless and calculating. You're among the best I've seen at being downright insidious.

@rhondak - I am pretty sure Carol does know who her friends are. The ones who'll never use her as bait for a shitty contest. But that, too, is ok. Frankly - you've dragged more mud out into the open than we could have ever done. We left, quietly. The only thing I took issue with was use of Peg's art after the promise to cease using it. That was all. It should have been all. But you chose to drag everything else into this thread on Jordan's post.

I would apologize to Jordan, had it been my doing. But in this case - it's very much yours.

Are you mentally ill, Inna? Seriously? Did I twist your arm and force you to comment on this post? Did I hold a gun to your head and make you introduce a totally unrelated topic into a post about Write Club? Methinks not. You were doing just what I said earlier--craving attention for yourself and craving drama. I think some people are just born with that defect.

So--using Carol as "bait" for a "shitty contest" is the logic you have used to persuade her that all her friends have turned against her? I suppose it never occurred to you that we were trying to use the CONTEST as bait to draw new talent into the arena for Perihelion. Furthermore, I never quite understood how being lauded as "she's the reason you want to enter this contest, folks!" is an insult. That's a construct of your own minds. If someone thought highly enough of me to organize a contest that put me directly at center stage, deferred to my expertise and status and sought to promote and bring publicity on Steemit for the magazine I help edit. . .gee whiz, I rather think I'd be thrilled, honored, and humbled by that. Not entertaining thoughts that some evil plot was afoot to use and abuse me. No--I think that was all yours and Jess's doing. I think you put those ideas in her head. And if you didn't plant them, then you certainly exploited them when you saw them germinate. Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame for taking advantage of her that way. Karma will get you in the end.

@rhondak - all other crap aside, nobody was twisting anyone's arm to leave the block or to do anything at all. We all kind of believe we're all adults here and as such, have agency over our own decisions. You may not believe that - but that's on you. Whatever @carolkean chose to do - she chose to do freely, same as the rest of us. I know it must be hard to believe, given your leadership style, but not everyone is born a dictator. And on this final note, I will actually apologize to @jordan.lesich.

For the rest of it - you can do with me what you want. God knows you already felt the need to drop in my real name. Here: I'll help you. Inna Hardison. Also my pen name. Go for it, Rhonda, whatever your actual name is. Go after me all you want. Freely. Should you choose to go after anyone else I care about - I'll call your out on it. Beyond that - have a fantastic life.

I have sat here watching these replies degrade into the farcical. You have a problem with Rhonda? Fair enough. Nobody is forced to like anybody.

You have a problem with the way I shut down arbitration, take it up with me personally, because ultimately I own the server and I decide if procedures put in place to curb problem users is turned against the cornerstone of The Writers' Block. Think what you will of Rhonda, but it is she who first had the idea for the fiction workshop, the SFT and the publishing house and without whom The Writers' Block would not exist.

Don't like the way she conducts herself? Fine, leave. No guns were held at your heads, and nobody made a big drama out of it. Business carried on as usual.

But to use someone else's post as a platform to spew your venom is entirely uncalled for. Have something to say? Say it directly to us. You know where we are.

Excuse me for taking time off during Christmas to spend time with my family, instead of rushing out to replace a logo that was FREELY GIVEN to our community. As you no doubt know, I spent this afternoon doing just that, rather than visit with family like I had planned. Thanks for that.

I have personally gone out of my way to support several of you, only to have it thrown back in my face without explanation. Do you see me spewing bile in their posts, or anyone else's for that matter? No. Instead you see freely given audio clips and graphics denied from our future use.

There was entirely no need for this. Nobody at The Writers' Block has come after any of you. You made your decisions and I sincerely hope you are happy with your choices.

In future, please act like adults.

"Go after?" I think we have all proven at the Writers' Block that none of us have any desire to "go after" anyone. So rest easy. Don't come after me or anyone else at the Block the way you did here, and you will not have to deal with me ever again.