My Red Pill Moment

in #writing6 years ago

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This is 63 Inman St. Cambridge MA as it looks today. In the early 1970's the top two floors on the right hand side has burned and several friends and I were hired to restore it. It looks a lot nicer now than it did in 1973 when it was owned by John Kernochan and served as a rooming house. John, a friend, was from an interesting family- old New England money. They had a home on Martha's Vineyard right on the golf course. His dad was Dean of Law at Columbia and his sister Sarah was a filmmaker who did a documentary about Marjoe Gortner, the child evangelist turned movie star.

On the second floor left was an unusual group of fellows- The Assassination Information Bureau. They were dedicated to uncovering information on the assassinations of JFK, his brother Robert, as well as Martin Luther King. The Bureau "staff" consisted primarily of Bob Katz, Harvey Yazijian, Mike Gee and Carl Oglesby, plus a few peripheral figures. When looking on Google to see what if anything there was, they were described in one article as "a sober group." Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact the office was more of a hangout for conspiracy theorists, pot smokers, and other ne'er-do-wells (myself included).

Harv and Bob were the public face of the organization, they went around the country doing lectures. Mike and another guy named Jamie did research. Carl, who went on to become a professor at MIT, I didn't know very well- he was kind of an asshole. Carl was a Communist, who I didn't get the feeling anyone liked very much. The most prominent memory I have of him, was him showing up at my 30th birthday party, spouting off about the joys of Communism to my other friends- mostly guys I played ball with, all blue collar types, several who had been to Nam- and almost getting thrown off the roof of a 4 story building.

Anyway, the "Bureau" had a copy of the Zapruder film long before it became public and I got to see it. That was the moment that I began to realize that perhaps the government wasn't on the up and up after all. The more I learned from these guys, the more suspicious I became. I had signed up to go to Vietnam to stop the spread of Communism- I believed in what I did, even when I was "recruited" to commit acts that I was aware went beyond the accepted "rules of warfare." Now I was beginning to question even that. These guys were very different from the truthers of today who tend to be sort of conservative... we were all pretty liberal. Harvey had been a war protester. We were basically a bunch of old hippies.

That's how I came into the truth movement- from the left. Up until this time the only pictures or film on the JFK assassination came from the MSM. When it happened I was on a plane enroute to Vietnam... those of us alive today remember exactly when it happened. It was a day that changed America forever, although none of us had any idea how much until recently when more and more information has come out. Watching the Zapruder film changed everything- you could tell that the killshot came from the front. A lot of people got red pilled when they saw the buildings fall on 9/11... you could tell it was a nearly perfect demolition just by watching the news footage. It was the same for me watching the Zapruder film- my experience as a sniper told me the official narrative was absolutely false.

I often think about those guys (except Carl). Mike Gee went to work as a sports writer for the Boston Herald. I just found this...

"It didn't take former Boston Herald sports columnist Michael Gee long to lose his gig at Boston University. Just two weeks after being hired to teach an introductory journalism course this summer, Gee was asked to leave because he posted ''offensive" comments on a website, according to Bob Zelnick, chairman of the journalism department at BU. The website,, has since removed the post, but, helpfully, blogger David Scott saved it at In the post, Gee describes one of his female students as ''incredibly hot" with a ''[nice] bod" and worries about ''losing my focus when I meet her to-die-for eyes." One of the several Herald scribes shown the door this spring as the tab tries to cut costs, Gee was hired by BU in early July. But after reading his randy remarks, Zelnick said he and school officials concluded ''we had to sever the relationship and sever it at once." Gee did not return a call yesterday, but in a note on sportsjournalists .com, he wrote, ''That post was pathetic, juvenile, and boorish. It's not me . . . yet I said it and I'm deeply ashamed I did.""

Well, it sounds like Mike- it was him! Out of all the guys at the AIB, Mike had more to do with red pilling me- along with Harv. They were a good bunch of guys- patriots all... nothing like leftists today. They tirelessly sought the truth and for that I respect them and thank them for being a big part of waking me up.




howdy @richq11! this is so interesting what do you say about the JFK's assassination, how was it done and how many shooters?

By now you've heard all of the theories, so the simple answer is "all of the above." To understand it all (and more) you should watch this- It's long but well worth it.

richq11! howdy this fine Tuesday..thank you sir, I will watch this.

Interesting story. We all had that ah ha red pill experience for those of us who are awake. Mine was learning the truth about 911 through youtube alternative media, then reconsidering all the lies I was fed about every other historical event in America. Soon I was introduced to other alternative media like Infowars, SGT Report, USA watchdog etc. Today I am as awake as ever. Thanks @richq11

Thank you my friend!

Sad that today left and right cannot even discuss without it instantly devolving into a fight.

A national healing is something I constantly pray for, but the "truth movement" doesn't even seem to coalesce- so I don't expect any miracles in the near future!

Very interesting read and the video you posted was interesting as well. there have been many red pill moments in my life and I am grateful for them all. Keeping your eyes and mind open to possibilities keeps you questioning and not turning into a sheeple.

nice photo's

thank you my friend
Your information was very large
The work of your friends in restoring this home is also great.

Only 19% of Americans today say they can trust the government in Washington to do what is right “just about always” (3%) or “most of the time” (16%). Fewer than three-in-ten Americans have expressed trust in the federal government in every major national poll conducted since July 2007 – the longest period of low trust in government in more than 50 years.

interestingly it went way up after 9/11 I would have expected the opposite.

That result may have had to do with the alphabet soup mob massaging the figures. Ed Snowden spoke about GCHQ here in the UK changing the percentages on polls in 2013.

yeah, public opinion manipulated by NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, they triggered a surge of patriotism.

Very interesting story. Thank you for sharing it! I think the best part of this is the fact that the "left" were the truthers at the time. I find it as interesting as our country was so opposed to communism we had Japanese Internment camps and now we are struggling to become communist. We killed many many people in the world to fight what we are now becoming. Interesting isn't it.