I don't do flight... never have, it's not how I'm wired. I'll stand and fight no matter what the odds- it's just how I am.
In the blizzard- I guess it was just the blizzard that made me feel despair. I stood under a lamp by the side of the highway... there were no cars coming and I thought this was it... the end. I was going to freeze to death standing by that road. Finally a car came and gave me a ride.
I feel that for the longest time as a child I was much the same. I would fight for what I believed in and to defend what I loved. Not that I am naturally a fighter. But after years of psychological and emotional abuse I changed. I lost that fighting instinct and became a push over.
These traits are still deep rooted in my subconscious but I am pulling them out like weeds one at a time. It's a slow process but I will get back to me.
Maybe, just maybe that blizzard wasn't just a weather pattern. Maybe it was a way to allow you to reflect. A moment of vulnerability. I can only imagine the despair you felt at that moment, possibly feeling that there was nothing beyond this snow and ice and wind. Or at least nothing earthly. (Sorry, not meaning to theological 😄) Were you waiting long? I know it must have felt like an eternity.
I didn't know much about reflection... I think I was 13 or 14... as for fighting... I'll be 72 Wed and I'm still swinging. It's not in my nature to quit!
You're an inspiration to this piddly 37 year old. I wish I had half of your fighting spirit.
I know you mentioned you fought on the Vietnam war but I'll be honest I hadn't even considered your age. But what is age? It's just an arbitrary number and all I can say is you portray both a man of wisdom as well as youthful vigor it seems. So whatever you're doing, it's clearly working.
My hat's off to you sir. And in case you're not online on Wednesday or I don't remember to say something. I hope you have a damn fine day!!
Thank you... If I'm still above ground, I'll be here!