Break the Stigma part 2- Craig

in #writing8 years ago

Social anxiety and paranoia

Anxiety affects a large percentage of the population. There are different types of anxiety that can affect people in varying ways. I'm hoping this interview can clear up some misunderstanding about this mental illness.


Does your anxiety stem from a traumatic event?

Failing in front of a large crowd of my peers in a spelling bee, then the ridicule from them afterwards

How did you react afterwards?

General sadness and reclusion

How did you deal with your feelings in the beginning?

Bottled them, didn't really express them, and kinda just didn't do anything that would stand out

How would you explain anxiety to a stranger?

A fear of being seen as something youre not, even if it means hiding what you are

Have you seeked help?

Went to a psychologist, prescribed meds.

Has it helped?

It's reduced my number of panic attacks, but other than that not particularly

How does it affect your work?

Unemployed, would have mental breakdown from stress due to expectations.

Do you have a support system?

I've got friends I talk to, but outside of, like, 3 of them no

Are your friends understanding?

Yeah, two of them deal with similar things

Are day to day activities difficult for you to accomplish?

Nope, no issues with that. Unless I have to be in, like, an extended conversation, then not at all.

What kind of things trigger your anxiety?

"we need to talk," appointments the other person runs late for, making plans then having to cancel

Any advice for anxiety sufferers?

Anxiety is shitty. Find something that helps it, and use it to your advantage, no matter how big or small it is. What matters is your personal comfort, and don't let others try to shit on you fixing yourself.

Find part 1 here
