The Illuminated

in #writing6 years ago

The Ancients were Illuminatis.
Modern men are ignoramuses.

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I posted about the cryptic messaging in the Big Brother ritual-like unveiling the other time and simple minds who think themselves enlightened thought it was all twaddle. I must be one paranoid fellow who has his head in his ass. I must be a conspiracy theorist with no ounce of evidence to substantiate a wornout urban myth.

Am I not? Well, we shall see.
I want to show you guys who really is inane; who has no sense of history and mystery. Most folks who claim to be scientific and evidential in their approach to these issues are the most simplistic and clueless humans alive. Their modernist and reductionist worldview to life and the human experience is a great blindspot and they seem to love it.
The glyph (symbol) of the Big Brother show is a one-eyed symbol. Emblematic of the illuminated eye which sees all, knows all and protects all, and precursored in ancient Egypt, it is for all intents and purposes the eye of a sungod Horus - son of Isis and Osiris. This is the historical root of the cult, not in Italy or Spain but Egypt.

This piece of information is very important because unless we understand ancient Egyptians and who they were we might not fully appreciate why they believed what they believed. Those guys knew far more than history gives them credit for. They knew far more about spirits, other worlds and their interactions with ours than many would admit. I know this because there are physical proofs with us till date. Monuments that defy time itself.

Everything in ancient Egypt was written in codes and symbols (hieroglyphs) which for centuries were indecipherable and undeciphered until the famed Rosetta Stone was found and gave us the key to unlock their meanings. Hence the ancients proved to us that they were masters at masquerading. They could hide things and meanings in plain sight. Till date many hieroglyphs are still shrouded in mystery even to the brightest egyptologists. But the point is that the ancients were able to archive their histories, beliefs and cultures in secret codes.

Who taught them? Were they exposed to some worlds unknown to modern western minds? What were they hiding?
These are some of the inquiries people still make today about another unparalleled and unmatched ancient wonder - The Pyramids of Giza. Also landmarked by ancient Egyptians.
482 feet high in the desert, 2.3 million stones with each weighing 2-30 tons and some weighing 70 tons and not less than 25,000 labor force for approximately 20 years, the Great Pyramid of Giza has been described by the brightest minds in modern cutting-edge engineering as an ancient perfection. The mathematical precision of its dimensions and angles still confound architects of today. They simply do not fathom how men of 4,500 years ago could design and build such a mathematical wonder. A historical marvel for all time. Thus the oldest surviving architecture was built by ancient Egyptians.

We must note that this pyramid was built 2,000 years before Pythagoras invented complex mathematics as we know it. 2,000 years before humans understood geometry in its complex and intricate forms. Yet the ancients nailed it and kept Harvard and Oxford architects and mathematicians humbled.
In no time many western theorists surfaced. They believed, rightfully so, that these ancient men from 4,000 years ago had help. They believed that the technology and wits deployed in constructing the pyramids were too advanced for their time. They had to have had help. But from where?

Some theorised that advanced aliens from outer space built them. Some theorised that men from the future built it through time travel (lol). Others theorised that they must have possessed a special but unknown and unimaginably advanced body of knowledge (like in a cult) which is not available to the rest of the world even today.

I personally agree with the last theory. And this is exactly my point: Ancient Egyptians were 'woke' in ways we alive today can never imagine. They were custodians of millions of secret arts and knowledge. Ineffectual buffoons would still call this conspiracy theory even after reading all I just said.

They were masters at masquerading knowledge. They were mathematical geniuses. Lastly, and most instructively, they deified and worshipped the All-Seeing eye of Horus, an ancient god and guardian spirit (a deity of sorts). If at this stage you cannot connect the dots, then you are really mortally helpless and utterly clueless.

And guess what the 'eye' always symbolizes? Light, illumination, knowledge, access, vigilance, watchfulness, guardianship etc. But when it's one-eyed and all-seeing then it is powerfully focused and purposeful, and nothing is hidden from it. This is nothing but an occultic alternative to the One True God who sees all and before whom nothing is hidden.

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If you think these things are imaginations of the mind; that they are mere fairy tales for the gullible, you are to be most pitied. The 'Illuminati' is real and is as ancient as time.

Now the Illuminati is not necessarily a global secret organization or body or cult as many may conceive. Rather it is an idea, a principle, a worldview or body of knowledge which deifies and glorifies the spirit of the Antichrist who disguises and masquerades himself as the One who sees all and knows all. A title only befitting for God.

THE ILLUMINATI IS AN ANCIENT SPIRIT OF ENLIGHTENMENT. An illuminating spirit unsourced from God.

This is what new age media has become and is becoming. A media that is archetypical of the Antichrist and will later serve the Antichrist. The media that would herald the real deal. This is why privacy will soon become a myth because the all-seeing eye must see all. In order for it to know all it must see all. It's already happening with social media and electronic mobile devices.
This is what the Big Brother epitomizes whether the participants know it or not. Actually most of them don't. They are mere pawns in a game of spiritual chess and the spirits at play know exactly who to sacrifice and who to save.
This life is spiritual and so are its battles and only the spiritually blind would think otherwise. The ancients knew this.



Nice content. Lot of hard work.

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