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RE: [Original Novel] Little Robot, Part 53

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Will they really help him to get his remaining robots from his apartment? At least that’s what they are promising to do. It would be very nice reunion. At the end it’s only him, Helper, Lars, Madeline and his three little robot friends leaving for cave lab. Which makes him very happy since he doesn’t like to be around too many people.

Now and then I recalled some meeting I was supposed to attend today, or an errand I meant to run. All meaningless now, the world I knew and my comfortable routine both up in smoke.

I can imagine. Now it all has become irrelevant. Now all he needs to do is to stay alive with others. He has a good point. All of what had happened also means no worries about going to work, no worries about paying rent...

“STOP THE CAR!” I shouted, but again he refused. Madeline asked why. “It’s Helper! She’s not...I can’t get her to...something’s wrong with her!”
