I woke after nights of reduced sleep after my post midnight trading. In truth, i hungered for extra risk because I was avoiding some large questions and Spirit came to me after a couple nights of good sleep.
Thank you for another day of life, Spirit. But I sense your presence is to help me find answers to questions I am too afraid to ask. For someone who does not fear much, it seems like I've found my next area of growth where I have many fears hidden. In particular, I believe there is a twin flame returning to my life.
Why is it that anything connected to her during our absence has permanent residence in me?
"Because in your soul histories you have been together longer than you have been apart. Some would say you have never been apart."
At this point, I realized why I avoided this question. Because it brings so much of what I know about my human experience and tosses it into the air like autumn leaves vulnerable to any clumsy breeze. It also felt like someone punched me square in the ego’s gut. How much of what I have enjoyed (music, food, travelling, cooking, bonfires, the ocean, mountains) and what I have recently pulled away from (TikTok, tv shows, movies) is due to me responding to our shared connection versus what I desired?
Spirit, I am struggling here. I always thought that there was individuation of soul. You make it sound like I am just awakening to something that has always been there.
"Child, there is a theory that when an atheist says, God does not exist, they have arrived at an experience that is quite holy. But they are not denying the presence of God. They are acknowledging that they are in a place where they can't understand how their life circumstances are so far from their concept of God. They will not change their world and thus some attempt to slay the eternal. But indeed they arrived at a place where, if they stepped forward in faith, they would have transformed their reality and brought themseves closer to God. Everyone who lives has these 'impassable chasm, hidden bridge' moments.
But God is in a sense hidden only because love has not been awakened in that place. When love has risen, the lover realizes God has always been there. And for a time they lose track of time. They are engulfed in the awareness of God that floods and invades their reality and only increases one's sense of love awe and wonder.
To those who can see God's energy in all, it is often twin flames that will have the peculiar weight of not only seeing God in each other, but seeing God in every detail of the other. To the point where your lover could merely walk into a room, pass their hand through the air before your eyes, and leave the room and you would feel the compelling pull to study the path the hand made.
And continue your study to the digits of the hands. The texture of the skin, the contours of the hand, and, as if by magic, that hand will have opened a portal to a unique aspect of God that resides in them.
Passing from form to love to God. You would not be insane to note your sensitivity to these things because man is easily distracted and permanence beyond all reason is one of the best ways to shift someone out of the brook of isolation into the river of co-creation."
I was already floored and these words just knocked me further into the mystery of union. The place were two can be one and two at the same time.
Spirit, what about the incarnations where, for some reason or another, there is a barrier. Something preventing me from being with her. Could there be lifetimes or timelines where the two flames never become one?
"What you call a barrier doesn't exist in my reality. For the power of the flame is that it always finds itself. Against all odds and obstacles it will unite and reunite. If you look backwards in time at the things you have loved and the convergence of those loves and desires, you will see you are drawn to her. It is not so much a matter of choice, but as you walk the path of love, you will naturally do things to increase love. As God fills a heart that connects to him and expands that heart to love all manner of people places and things and all manner of walks one could take, you will only be with one who can expand with you.
But still you ask from a place of limitation. Some would say the one you are to be with is already with you."
After this discussion and the following questions and answers I was only filled with more questions. Too tired to continue, I thanked Spirit for spending time with me and went to sleep.