This story will not be the same without music!
Silver glitter heels and they were oh so high!
The pole.
Her secret weapon.
Bachelor's in Good Looks and a Master's in Seduction. She was an artist. A natural talent. An Eve ready to offer the forbidden fruit of knowledge to any unlucky Adam that would come closer.
Another night.
Another performance.
Red, blue and some more red again.
And a silver, engraved ring in his pinkie.
Her stage.
Her pole.
Her high heels.
And a silver, diamond ring in her middle finger.
Music is on and she gets on stage. Her steps in those shoes. Her long legs in those fishnet tights. They were gently touching the cold pole that pierced the building ceiling to floor.
Her hands were strong... and delicate at the same time. Grabbing the cold metal, steering her weight, lifting her body, twisting it...
The legs never stopped opening wide, closing abruptly, following the length of that pole, up and down, slowly up and down and then faster and faster until they slowed down again.
A cigar burning in his hand that longed to touch her body. Every inch of it.
The ring-bearing pinkie moved back and forth twice. A waitress approaches. He nods towards the stage. The waitress puts the "order" down.
All keep moving up and down, twisting around a once cold, metal pole that is almost melting now touching her hot body. Song comes to an end and the heels make it down the stage.
They are now sitting at his table and rubbing against his leg. The strong hands that were working with the pole moments earlier were now naively playing either with her hair or his biceps. Her giggle, mixed with her warm breath, was already caressing his ear and the tip of her nose would accidentally touch his cheek every now and then. Her long legs were now comfortably resting on his. His pinkie was "playing" with her fishnet tights.
A new round of vodkas.
She takes the glasses from the waitress. Her middle finger, the one with the ring, starts playing around the rim of one of them. She played enough, now it's time to drink. She passes him his glass.
She sips smirking and looking at him in the eyes.
He gets more and more excited.
His pinkie signals twice again and it's another waitress this time. He points to the back of the room, the waitress nods yes and promises to return straight away.
Those long legs have never stopped resting on his, rubbing against his and her hands were not playing with the glasses anymore, they were touching his face.
Red, blue and some more red... on his face.
Something was wrong. He could not breathe. He was sweating. His grasp was around his throat and rivers of sweat were running down his face. His pinkie made spastic moves.
By the time the paramedics arrived it was not moving anymore.
And it was not bearing his silver ring either.
The show was cut off, the clients left and the girls were in shock.
She went and sat on a couch away from all the fuss.
She needed to calm down after what had happened right in front of her sinful eyes.
She was holding something in her right hand.
Her left thumb was turning the ring around her middle finger.
Oh! The diamond had fallen off.
Where could it be now...?
Do you want a few more shots?
And here is another one!
Because what is the devil after all... just an angel with bigger ears! 😈
*Original images (with Nikon D3400) and story by @ruth-girl - Steemit, 2018
Special thanks to:
@alx.magentio for his advice on lightpainting
@funnel for the amazing track he shared with me in a comment and actually was what gave birth to that story.
Thank you, guys!! This post would have never existed without you!
Thank you so much for your time!
Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!
μας εστειλες αδιαβαστους Ruthie μεσημεριατικα ε! ..επιτηδες το κανες το ξερω!!! ...
...να σου πω την αμαρτια μου...
....μου θυμιζει για καποιο λογο υπερβολικα sin-city η ολη υποθεση,νομιζω θα ταιριαζε παρα πολυ το ολο πονηρο σκηνικο... far as it concerns the difference between angels and devils let me spot the biggest one...Devils are RED my dear!!!
PS...thank you for mention me on your 'special thanks' section!!..i appreciate it!!!
Hehehe! Ειπα να σας ξυπνησω λιγο πανω που πηγαινατε για σιεστα!!
Το Sin City δεν το εχω δει, το ομολογω...
Και παλι ευχαριστω για το κομματι! Μου εχει κολλησει τις τελευταιες μερες και θυμηθηκα και αυτο (δεν εχω δει ουτε αυτην την ταινια)
Red? But the one in the photo is actually purple :P
...δε μας λυπασαι καθολου!!!...τον καημενο τον tarantino κοιταξτε απογνωση...:))
...i don't know what you say about purple...i see RED all around!!!
Cheers! 😜
χαχαχαχαχαχαχα....ρε θα μας τρελλανει σημερα η Ruth....Πολυ εξυπνο!!

Δίνω ρεσιτάλ καψίματος αυτές τις μέρες, άσε, άσε! :Ρ
A more cruel version of Tarantino ))) The girl has beautiful "sayonara" 😉
Love it!! Both the scene and the song!! It's one of my all time favorites!! :D
I can do the same 😜
Video or I DON'T believe you!! 😜😜😜
Man can not be trusted 😊
Good stuff :) Lol that story took a turn I was not expecting! And then... those photos are awesome with the light, and cool pillow! You may want to try to get your legs out of the frame next time, not sure if you realized :p xexe
So on a serious note how did you do that with the light?
Thanks! (Although a woman "tarantula" is a cliche)
Oh! My feet were in the frame? I didn't notice, people might even think I did it on purpose :P
I had my camera on 5-6" shutter speed and low aperture. I put it on a box (to make sure it would stand still).
I set my frame and focused.
I turned the lights off.
I clicked and played with my laser beams ;)
tip: I set a 5" timer, because I couldn't click and swirl those lasers at the same time, plus I would risk shaking the camera.
It felt like painting with your eyes closed...
I like the legs in frame...
Thanks! :)
Ahhhhh laser beam... I was imaging you were drawing with your feet lol hence how they ended up in the photo!
she's Ruthless brother...that's how!!!
...να βαλουμε ν'ακουσουμε κανεναν Κρητικο απαγορευμενο ωρα που ειναι??...τι λες @hrissm
@funnel @ruth-girl
Tha sas ftiaksw... perimente ligo @ruth-girl @funnel
Μύρισε Κρήτη εδώ! Καλημέρα!
see/listen below.
κατι τετοιο ειχα στο μυαλο μου ....δε λες οχι ομως σε Κρητικο ακομα και αν ειναι στην αλλη ακρη του κοσμου...οποτε βαρα τα λαουτα!!!
The devil is an angel with big ears? Lol, Omg!! I've got a friend with big ears. Now I'll be looking at her differently :D
Yeah! You'd better keep an eye on her Samminator! :P
It seems like you have a lot of different talents, @ruth-girl :)
Keep writing !
I keep experimenting with stuff, because I tend to get bored easily.
Thank you for the thumbs-up! :D
Keep experimenting ! You have a lot to offer.
Anytime :)
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I love it. The music totally sets it up. I could totally put myself in the situation. I can see the girl coming over and swaying her hips to the music. Hell I could tell you what that club probably smelled like from many memories. Yes the devil is just an angel who has fallen, That is all it takes in life to seperate the good from the bad is how far we have fallen. That song is going on my play list now.
I was worried to get the atmosphere right, 'cause I've never been to such a place (although I'd like to just to see what it's like...)
After writing it I remembered Showgirls
Yes, that track is really something!
And thank you for the resteem!!! :D
No problem at all on the resteem. You nailed it. I am probably going to wear that damn song out through the day. It is stuck in my head. If you ever come to America I will hook you up on the strip club experience. lol
Have a good day.
Oh! That would be awesome! can I have a lap dance too? :P
Have a good day too! :D
As long as my wife don't care. I use to have a friend that was a chip and dales dancer and I would always go up to the club with him when he danced on ladies night and I would help out the door men and just got free drinks basicly. Sometimes they would get me drunk enough to make some money on the side dancing. I don't have my chiseled abs from my 20's though and I am by no means a professional stripper. lol
Ahahaha! I just hope you don't dance like Joey Tribiani :P
When I go to work. I DO WORK.
non professional of course.
Hollywood ολοταχώς...
(έπρεπε να το διαβάσω πιο βράδυ)
Αχαχαχαχα! Ευχαριστω! :D
Wow, was this an accident?
(I also liked the "Bachelor's in Good Looks and a Master's in Seduction" part, mind if I use it myself at some point?)
An accident? Did he choke?
Was the diamond not a diamond but something that dissolved in his drink? Was he poisoned?
Who knows?
(Of course you can use it!) :D
Nice! Cheesy and nice! Atmosphere fully transmitted.
This is why everyone needs to learn how to do the Heimlich maneuver :D
Reminds me of the atmosphere in Caravan Palace videos:
Listen to the lyrics and get that atmosphere.. they are genius!
Cool! I'm listening tonight after work! ;)
And as I told snarksnark above, perhaps he didn't choke...
I had to re-read. How could I miss that..
You got the atmosphere right, and you should go. Experiences are the ones that shape your character, not the products. Invest more in experiences, even if you just want to see how it is!
Watch the first video and listen+understand the lyrics! If you will be disappointed I swear I will vote a meme or a photo without text of your choosing :)))
Cheesy and positive! That voice reminded me of a greek band (although this time the woman is the "victim" - the little fish who got tangled up with a cat)
I love a line that says "I wish I was a mermaid but I am just a little fish and I swear to Poseidon I will never fall in love again"
wow... this is great...big up
Thanks a lot!! :)