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RE: Another Day in the Clouds

in #writing7 years ago

I felt the need to embed a Tubthumping video but good ones can be a pain in the system to find XD

LoL ahhh the nutshot, JJ can sympathise I think, he has had many an occasion where a precisely sized toddler has run at him full ball for a hug and inadvertently incapacitated him. Not that much has changed when he and now gangly children are wrestling and he accidentally cops a flailing knee in the wrong place. Kids eh XD

The roll of failures can be as crushing as the roll of wins can be uplifting, so don't feel bad about feeling bad. It's how you deal with the feeling bad that matters. You could have wallowed, but you didn't. You took an external factor (in this case the ever adorable Zepp) as a nice reality check and you bounced right back ready for more. And that's golden :)

Enjoy South Korea and don't sweat about answering in a timely fashion, get to it when you get to it :D



flying knee from the top turnbuckle is the worst! lol

A lowblow is the best finisher move in wrestling. I realize that now.

I feel like a kevlar cup is a great equipment to have haha! Man, I wish I placed a nutshot scene in A Day in the Clouds. That would've been so prophetic!

Well, I did wallow for a bit last year haha But, that's what I'll try to eliminate moving forward. It has always been a tough lesson to keep in mind for me. I don't know why it is. This time I'm making it stick. You can bet money on that, mateychops! Slowly catching up to everything I missed haha!