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RE: Some Thoughs On The Paradox Of Success And Human Happiness

in #writing7 years ago

Good read. I believe the real reason so many people have seemingly insatiable goals/desires is because of how disconnected from the natural world our society has become in this modern era. Feeling connected to other people, animals, and plants and understanding that everything and everyone serves the whole in a unique way is the first step in reaching a blissful state of mind. Love and respect and admiration are feelings that cannot be purchased. This idea of individualism - the pursuit of goals pertaining to self-interest alone has to be replaced with an idea of cooperation and protection of all living things. When you learn to share you will be rewarded with an incredible feeling of self satisfaction. The benefactor of whom you’ve helped will then naturally feel the desire to help someone or something else when presented with an opportunity to do so. Predatory capitalism, the insatiable desire for ever increasing wealth and power are the epitome of evil intentions that need to be abolished now before those in the highest echelons of society depopulate this planet to remain in control as more and more people wake up to the true reality that persists today. Love, respect, and empathy for all and as always seek the truth my friends.