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RE: NOTES FROM AN AMATEUR WRITER #44 - What Are Some of Your Favourite Characters?

in #writing7 years ago

This is quite a creative and interesting exercise. Identifying different characters you like and why you like, hate or enjoy them often gives you quite an understanding of your own needs, desires and personality. I have forgotten the name of a mystery and crime fiction series I used to read a lot some time back. The lead character in the book was quite strong and one I liked a lot because she liked to take matter in her own hands.


Thank you for your comment. I have found, as I study deeper in to the craft of writing - how central characters are to a good story. And how hard it is to develop a character in their fullness. So I thought to throw it open to others to make suggestions for me to study up on. I love a good story, but I love a great character just as much. Put the two together then well, reading gold :)

Oh a good character is the heart of a plot. Often, if a character is strong enough, he/ she easily adds substance to even a not-so-powerful story.

This is true too. Some poor stories have scraped through on the strength of their characters. Usually though a good character makes a good story.