There are times when I think and think about the thing called 'love' ... People tend to mix it up with lust,some persons have even said they work together
True love is not easy to discover,getting hooked up with a significant other that would truly love YOU isn't easy,it takes tears from previous experiences for you to finally see the one that truly loves you when the time comes and the person shows up
Love is beautiful and very wonderful,it has either the power to wreck or amend
Look closely and be open hearted and the right one would come,some persons have closed the doors to their heart because of the scars left behind...Some even give another chance to someone only to get bruised again and even get salt poured on their cuts
I urge you to love genuinely today...Love for all that someone is and work together with that person to better yourselves,be patient and very understanding..Set goals and even tighten your grip on that person