A lot of very interesting information in this post.
I do use Grammarly, although I disagree with it regularly, just like you.
Haven’t tried the Hemingway site yet. I’ll definitely give it a go.
It’s a shame I can’t attend your writing classes (8EST is in the middle of the night over here), because I love the things you describe here. Ever since I was young, I have been very interested in everything that had to do with language - first Dutch, later English. (Maybe ‘obsessed’ would be a better way to describe it - lol)
I’ll be following up on your summaries for sure!
Thank you @simplymike.
But you can attend my writing class. You don't have to be there live. I'll take questions anytime and either respond during the week or during the live session. You can get on whenever you like and check the answers.
Feel free to join the discord to check it out: https://discord.gg/zjdvUMW
Thanks, I will.