Never Ending Story

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Long time ago, back in the days without mass internet, where only 300bps to 2400bps modems existed... and networking is through something called a BBS or Bulletin Board System.

The number of users of a particular BBS was kinda small, especially in Singapore, but even then, there were
stuff people did, like posting a series of Never Ending Story.... Everyone just appended to the last post, creating a story... something twisting the story to a weird place..

I'm wondering if Steemit environment can foster collaboration and writing of fictional stories...

What do you think?

The story begins here


Interesting concept, and sounds fun, like a massive improv haha . Maybe you can start, #NeverEndingStory and we can give it a go! Would it just be replying in the comments or would it be like a resteem kind of thing? Im very new to Steem

I am thinking people just comment.. and with every interval, I'll consolidate into a more complete post, and people continue from there as I keep adding them to the master content.

communication is definately alot faster now

I you can teach us how to play or have 5 or 6 people start, then heck yes I think it would be very cool... I would play..

its a great idea, just let me know how the rules work and lets launch it for you... its a perfect week to do that

btw you should get on discord you can at least dm me there

Steemit keeps me busy enough. have not explored discord. I am on dtube, but had problems with dmania

As for rules... not much rules, I guess except for #NSFW problem... or those ridiculous twists that too sudden.... like for example, "i woke up, and it was all a dream...." then the story twist to something totally unrelated...

ultimately we want the end result to be an interest story book .....

ok go for it.. I will do my best to do it and I will also speak to others to make sure that we support you. Like I said, I love the concept and the only way I'm going to see for sure is if I play... So count me in!

And I don't know how you pick a winner, but frankly I'm not sure it matters for your game.

You got nothing to lose, so lets do this!

Let me find a logo first ;)

make sure to tag it with #superbowlweekne too... that is a feed that we are all using this week for the promo... You can edit and take off a small one since it is now 11 hours old and that feed has filled.

Add it so I can get you eyeballs.. and love the logo!

How do I reward the players? haha - blur like squid

haha... you can do it a couple ways.

  1. Just pick a winner of the best comment and give them between 50% and 100% of the total SBD from the payout of the post.

  2. You can reward all the entries used in the story equally with between 50% and 100% of the total SBD from the payout of the post.

Either way works good and you are the gamemaker so just pick what suits you!

the key is the rules and maybe show an example of how another game would start off...