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RE: Why Write?

in #writing6 years ago

I share these sentiments and have often seriously considered writing a book. I think a healthy dose of self criticism combined with an ability to not take oneself too seriously is where the most valuable artistic expressions are realised. By valuable I mean a symbiotic interchange between the creator and the observers of whatever art form is coming to fruition. Art can be an enigmatic pursuit and is not easily defined but I feel the equation (Time)Energy=Art.. Art comes from the heart but also utilises the gut feeling mind as well as our cerebral centers, these systems in balance effortlessly crystallise ethereal abstract visions into works that may stand up to test of time..

A good story is timeless as it captures all the intangible and formerly ineffable experiences or mysteries of life into something cohesive that transcends cultures, times, and places..

Best wishes on your venture into publishing.

Posted using Partiko Android


That’s interesting that you mention self-criticism (a healthy dose) as a motivator. I feel like it’s generally considered an inhibitor to creativity. You’re right, though, as with any obstacle, self-criticism can really work as a tool that pushes us toward progress, and like you said, if we’re playful enough, those two qualities will work together to help us take chances. I had never really thought about it like that before, but I absolutely agree.