As an internet marketer I can say that you have hit the nail on the head with everything you said! The "I have to have a bestseller" mindset is a killer. I create all kinds of products and I see that same mindset...."I have to create the next Product of the Day" or "I have create a piece of software that sells thousands of units" Rome wasn't built in a day nor will 1 product make you a millionaire!
I tell people to do the Sean Mize approach...create a product, get a few sales, create another product, market to your list, get a few more sales and people on your list..rinse and repeat.
Nothing is Impossible to an Open Mind!
Jerome "Smiley" Johnson
That's a great way of looking at it. Add a few with each book. I like it. The trouble with fiction is, its not that hard to make money with,, once you have enough to keepa reader busy for a while, it's getting to that point that takes all of the energy and time.
Whether its building your base of fans or building your list its all about taking consistent action! That's how you succeed (cash in your pocket!).